Hand to Hand

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Damn it, damn it, damn it.

I was basically sprinting across campus, trying to get to the gym. I already know Katara is going to be mad that I'm late. Azula said that I should make her wait, as if she had no control over me and I held the real power. Only with the little amount of time I've spent with her I know this won't help. If I want this plan to work, getting on her nerves is not going to help. Plus I really need to work on my game. I didn't expect her to start laughing last night.

I never really had to flirt or try and pick up a girl in the hallway. Mai and I just ended up together. Ty Lee use to try but I just found it annoying. Not even sure she liked me, I wasn't just the only guy who automatically tried to get her attention.

Finally made it to the gym, found the right practice room and basically froze in the doorway.

Looking at her I couldn't help but be mesmerized. She moved so gracefully that it almost seemed as if she was dancing. The outfit she was wearing didn't make things any easier. She wasn't showing a lot of skin, like most girls do, but she didn't need to. She wore white yoga pants (I think that's what they're called) that clung to her skin showing her curves and muscles. Her top was a blue tank top that also flattered her body. 

"Finally! What took you so long?" She said, once she noticed me standing there. I mentally shook off my thoughts, that were not helping me focus, and sent her a smirk.

"My bad. I got caught up with something." My vague answer annoyed her which just entertained me. I was already in my work out shorts so I just turned and set my stuff in the corner when I had an idea. Slowly, I took off my shirt and saw her reaction. Not trying to brag but I was pretty confident about my body. It helped having a six pack. That was one good outcome of daily workouts with the family trainer, not that I had a choice. Gotta keep up the image.

"Like what you see?" It came out kinda cocky but caused her blush.

"Please, I think your ego is getting too big. Now we should probably begin with some breathing exercises."

"Breathing exercises? Seriously?" Doubt clearly in my voice.

"Well if you want to stop breathing I won't object." I let out a sigh and just followed her lead. After we finished, I spoke before she could.

"We should practice without using our elements. Just a normal sparring match." This caught her off guard so I was a little proud.

"Why? The whole point is to counter each others elements."

"Yes but each of our elements are based off a certain style of combat. Fire is similar to Northern Shoalin Kung Fu and water is similar to Tai Chi Chuan."

"How do you know that?" Shock was clear on her, causing a smirk to appear on mine.

"I'm not just eye candy, I've got a brain." Katara rolled her eyes but I noticed a smile start to form. Maybe I should stop trying so hard. It seems like being me is working just fine.


"You need to protect your center." I instructed Katara. It was about an hour later and we were still at the gym. I hate to admit it but I was actually learning something and having a good time.

Not sure when, but there was a point where we both just let go and began to relax. The smile I got earlier lead to a full laughter even if it was at my expense (she managed to knock me down . . . on my butt).

"Ok, I think one more and we should wrap it up. Not sure about you but I'm getting hungry." Katara suggested. I agreed right away cause I could almost hear my stomach rumbling. We stood in the middle of the room and got into position. I noticed that there was a change in her face whenever we readied for a match. She was no longer that girl in the hallway but a real threat.

We decided not to use our elements and continued with hand to hand combat. Every attack I made she was able to counter until I saw an opening. I grabbed her wrist and blocked her other hand that was aiming for my chest. Then quickly held the other wrist and spun her so her arms were crossed and her back against my chest.

I felt her freeze in my arms. She made no attempt to escape and soon relaxed against me. As soon as her skin touched my chest, it was like shocks were sent throughout me. I had felt her skin during our practice matches but this was different. We weren't focusing on our next move, just relaxing in the moment.

"Ok, I give. You won this round but don't get use to it." I let out a low chuckle which caused my breath to brush her ear. I could of sworn I saw a shiver to pass threw her body but only for a second then, reluctantly, let her go. She turned to face me another one of her smiles gracing her face. Even though I released her from my hold she still stood close, not really making the effort to move. All I could do was look into her blue eyes before I finally spoke.

"I wouldn't dream of it."

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Oh spirits, why?

Who dares ruin this adorable Zutara moment?!

So family time is over and I was finally able to open my laptop. I'm so excited that you are still with me in this story! Please let me know what you think by voting or leaving a comment.

Don't forget to smile at least once a day :)

Zutara- Fire, Water, Steam ✔Where stories live. Discover now