Always With You

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Katara's POV

"Yue please wait up!" I called out. She was still running, and the trees were starting to get closer together. Before I could lose her, she tripped on a random branch ad landed on a patch of grass. She didn't bother standing up but stayed on her hands and knees crying. I had no clue what to say, so I did the only thing that came to mind and got on my knees right next to her. I placed a hand on her shoulder causing Yue to turn her head to me. I opened my arms and she threw herself into the tightest hug we have ever had. Neither of us spoke because I don't think she knew what to say either. We were so far from the festival that the only noise was Yue's sobs which slowly became quieter. When she seemed to gain a hold of herself and looked up at me.

"I love your brother, Katara." Yue said, with so much emotion in her voice that I felt as if I was going to cry. Only this isn't about me, I need to be strong for Yue and Sokka.

"I know you do and I know that was extremely hard thing for you to do. Can I ask why? Why are you moving?"

"My father has decided to take a new job. Apparently, he got an offer from an organization that bases around the moon spirit and he accepted. Only since its so far away he said there was no chance of commuting, so we need to move." Yue explained. "I wish it was different but there is nothing I could do, and long-distance relationships never work. People always say that it depends on the couple and they need to work at it. I love Sokka but I don't want to try just for us to fail in the end. That is time that he could use to move on and maybe . . . f-find someone new."

She stuttered on the last half of the sentence. It pains her to image Sokka with someone else. They love each and I don't think any of us could picture them with anyone else. It was always Sokka and Yue ever since they met in town. It was almost painful to watch Sokka try to ask her out, but Yue thought it was adorable.

"Do you really believe that you-" I started but Yue stopped me.

"Don't. I know you're going to try to talk me out of it, saying that maybe we could be that couple to make it work. That has been going through my mind ever since I heard the news. We are still teenagers and the fact that we have lasted this long is a miracle itself. I don't want to push fate as it is." Yue stood up and looked up. She was staring at the moon and it was reflected in her eyes. Her white hair seemed to glow, and she was beautiful, but her tears seemed to shine as well. "Isn't it enough that I got to have Sokka in my life? That so young I felt a love like this. I'm sure we won't be the only loves in each other's lives even if the thought hurts it also helps. That Sokka will be happy is the only thing that is getting me through this."

"Ok." Yue's head snapped back to me in shock. "You have spent a lot of time thinking this through and I know I can't change your mind. As long as you still keep in contact, I'll try not to be too upset. Of course, I can't make any promises." I gave her a sad smile and she nodded back grateful that I wasn't trying to change her mind. Although, I wanted nothing more.

"When are you leaving?" I asked. Her body appeared to deflate as she let out a sigh.

"Tomorrow morning."

"You waited this long to tell him?" I replied a little louder than intended. She simply nodded, understanding my reaction.

""I wanted him to be happy for as long as possible. Plus, I was being selfish, I wanted to be with him until the very end."


I spent the entire morning searching the school but could still not find Sokka. Finally, I found him, but I wasn't expecting him to be talking to Zuko. They were sitting in the woods near the far side on the school. They weren't laughing or smiling, just having a simple conversation. At the same time, they were playing with a baby saber-tooth moose lion by tossing a stick and the cub bringing it back. I didn't want to interfere, but the cub ran up to me with the stick, I assume waiting for me to toss the stick.

"Hey guys." I spoke softly. Zuko sent a smile my way but Sokka's face held no emotion. Even though I've been looking for him I wasn't sure what to say. I took the stick from the cub and walked over to the boys. "He is adorable."

"Katara this is my friend, Foo Foo Cuddlypoops. Foo Foo Cuddlypoops, this is my sister, Katara." Sokka said dryly. I sat on Sokka's other side and Foo Foo Cuddlypoops came running up and sat on my lap before jumping onto Sokka's.

"He's really attached to you." I said.

"At least someone is." He responded under his breath. Zuko didn't say anything but it was driving me crazy. How could not be more supportive right now?

"I know it's hard right now, but it will get better." At this they both turned to each other and gave a look. Zuko looked as if he was trying to stop a smile from forming. "What?"

"Nothing don't worry." Zuko said though I didn't believe him.

"I don't feel like having a pep-talk right now." Sokka said, throwing the stick a bit harder but Foo Foo Cuddlypoops ran after it anyway. "Sure, it wasn't her choice about moving but it was her choice to break -up with me. We could have made it work because I know that we love . . . loved each other."

I wanted to correct him and say that she still loves him, but I didn't. If he was going to move on, like Yue wants, he needs to think this way. My brother is the nicest guy and I know there are girls that will want to date him, but it won't matter if he's not open to it. I turned to Zuko, looking for some help. He let out a sigh and shook his head. Well, he's not helpful.

"Sokka-" He gave me this death glare as if he was daring me to continue. "Ok you don't want to talk. I get it but let me say one thing and then I'll leave." Before he could say no, Foo Foo Cuddlypoops jumped on his lap and laid his head on his arm. Sokka stared at him before slowly nodding,

"You are an amazing guy who was lucky enough to have such a great love this young in life. Yes it didn't last but that doesn't mean that has to be the only great love. It will always be with you. Now it can just be something to strive for not to be compared to because anyone who comes into your life will be different. It won't be exactly like you and Yue because it shouldn't. Love is unique and beautiful even if at times it hurts. The best part is that love also heals. You just need to have hope." As soon as I said hope, Sokka left out a chuckle and opened his hand. This time Zuko shook his head and placed ten bucks in Sokka's hand.

Thank you guys for reading! We got another chapter and in one week from the last. It must be a miracle! Or just because I have a lot more free time on my hands this past week but who knows. Had to bring in Foo Foo Cuddlypoops not only because he (I'm assuming he was a he) was adorable but as a shout out, you know who you are. Hitting that star would be much appreciated or leaving a comment.

Shout out to @blakelyy for being the first one to vote on the last chapter!

Don't forget to smile at least once a day :)

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