Getting to Work

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Zuko's POV

"What do you mean you broke up?!" My father yelled.

Hm, he's taking this much better than I thought.

I got out of the infirmary and wanted to tell my father about the break-up before he found out from a third party. Either way, it wasn't gonna end well.

"What have we discussed? You are meant to keep her happy. Breaking up with her is not part of the plan." He started out in his low voice and it slowly began to rise.

"It's not like I broke her heart. We just didn't work and she was the one who ended it." I replied but apparently, that was the wrong thing to say. He looked like steam was going to come out of his ears that I had to stop myself from smiling. Father started making his way around the table but I held my ground.

"I had a plan and you-"

"He needs to be taught a lesson." A voice from the doorway interrupted. We turned towards the doorway and saw Uncle with a faceless expression. "Zuko ruined your hard work and the only way for him to understand is hard work himself."

"Uncle?" I said in surprise. What was he doing? Uncle hardly ever comes into Father's office. I turned back to Father, who had a smirk growing on his face.

"And I'm assuming you have something in mind?" He asked in amusement. Uncle walked up to his desk and stared me in the eye. Even though he had a stone face, I saw something in his eyes and knew what was happening.

"I believe Zuko should know the feeling of having to work. He should come work at the Jasmine Dragon." Uncle suggested. Oh, I get it.

"You have got to be joking!" I exclaimed. I put a look of horror on my face as if this was the last thing I wanted. To be honest, it wouldn't my first choice but definitely better than something Father would think of. He had a satisfied smirk at my reaction.

"For once, you may have a good idea, big brother." My father replied. I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes at that.

"Oh come on, that's peasant work." I said.

"Then it's perfect for you." 

Ok that one hurt.


"Thanks for the save Uncle." I said as we left Father's office. 

"Anything for you Nephew. I had heard about the break-up and knew Ozai would not be happy." We started making our way to the front of the school. As we walked students would wave and smile towards Uncle. He owned the Jasmine Dragon and since most students spent their free time there, he was more liked than me. Uncle was almost like that bartender that always listened and would hand out advice. He actually used to be the school guidance counselor and administer of the Fire Department but couldn't take working for Father. He may not say it but I could tell.

"Well, I guess I'll see you later-" I started but Uncle interrupted me.

"No, you are coming with me to the shop. It's your first day of work."

"Wait you were serious?" I asked. It was a Friday night and I really did not want to spend it working. Plus I wanted to go find Katara.

"Of course. Ozai will more than likely send someone to make sure I have you hard at work."

Damn, he had a point.

I know, I know I promised more chapters but school is really kicking my ass (Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I'm going to college). So actually working on this instead of studying for my midterm. Please take pity on me and vote for this chapter. Maybe even go back and vote for every other chapter, I'll leave that up to you.

Get ready to see another side to Katara in the next chapter. She still hasn't said anything about the kiss with Zuko especially after Aang's outburst. But that won't be a problem, right?

Don't forget to smile at least once a day :)

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