The New Plan

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Zuko's POV

Heads- I talk to Father first

Tails- Azula

This is what I've come to? Too chicken to pick that I've decided to flip a coin. Katara texted me that she had already told her brother so I should at least be able to tell my sister. Only if I tell my sister first she would find a way to speak to Father before me and convince him I was trying to hide it from him. As I realized this, I lept off my bed and began walking towards his office. He never answered my calls so I might as well start there.


"This was excellent timing. I've been meaning to talk to you." My father said as I walked into his office. Those were very weird words coming from my father. One- something I did was "excellent". Two- he wants to talk to me.

"What is it, Father?" I asked.

"I wanted to discuss a new plan for your future." He said which meant he wanted to give me new orders. "Your break-up with Mai was not a part of the plan." Father continued slowly. "Her father is an important business partner and you two together worked in my favor."

"How?" I asked without thinking. Mai's father owned a huge construction company and has even done some work for the government. Maybe he helped with the expansion but there's really no more room for another expansion.

"Nothing you need to worry about." His said, his eyes narrowed and I needed him in a good mood so I let the matter drop. "Luckily nothing appears to have changed. Now the plan is to find another use for you."

I'm not some male escort for him to use. Azula never gets asked to do things like this although she would more than likely scare them away. Katara would not appreciate my father pimping me out.

"Did you have something in mind?" I asked slowly. 

"You must earn the respect of your peers outside the fire element." Father replied. "I want you to get them to trust you."

"You mean you want me to make friends?" I asked, extremely puzzled. This does not sound like him at all.

"Friends are for the weak." He snapped. There we go. "They are simply a means to an end." 

"And the point of this is?" I asked.

"Just do it!" He yelled, slamming his hands on his desk. "Now what did you come here for?"

"I wanted to let you know I'm in a new relationship. She's in the water bending class. " I responded right away. He was already mad so no point in trying to beat around the bush. His eyebrows raised so far up his forehead I thought they were going to disappear into his hairline.

"I underestimated you Zuko. You have always been a nuisance but instead, you might actually be doing something right." Father said and sat down.

What the hell? Was that suppose to be a compliment? Again I just let the matter drop, give a slight bow, and walk out of his office.


"He was creepy calm about it." I explained to Katara. I told her how my father took the news of our relationship though I did leave out the request of winning over my peers. We just started this and I don't need to scare her off with too many details. "I thought for sure he would demand we break it off. At least set something on fire."

"That seems a little dramatic." Katara responds with a slight giggle but I don't respond. I have learned to never doubt my father with a reminder every time I look in the mirror. "Zuko?"

I look up and see the concern on her face. She places one hand on each side of my face and looks me straight in the eyes. Those eyes are the bluest I have ever seen and it almost feels as if I could lose myself in them. "Everything is going to be fine. We knew he was going to be an obstacle but now that it's over with we can move on. We can be just you and me." She finishes with a small kiss on my lips and I feel a cooling sensation that automatically puts me at ease. I hold her close and place my forehead on hers.

"Thank you, Katara."

OH MY GOD! This story has reached 2.1 k views!!!!! I never thought this many people would look at this story and I'm so grateful. It has been a while since I posted and I'm sorry about that but life gets in the way (and by that I mean school).

Please let me know what you think in the comments or hitting that little star. What do you think Ozai has in mind? And who loved our mini Zutara moment?

Please remember to smile at least once a day :)

Zutara- Fire, Water, Steam ✔Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα