New to the Emotion Experience

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Zuko's POV

As we watched Yue and Sokka run off, I knew what was happening. The meeting with Father was full of more information and demands than usual. Unfortunately, I learned the reason behind Yue's sudden mood change.

"Should we go after them?" Katara asked. Worry was written all over her face for her brother and friend.

"Not right now." I told her. "Right now, they need to be on their own." I felt her look at me but I was trying to find another one of the group to try and get her mind on something else.

"Hey Toph. How you doing, Aang?" Aang was not my first choice since I can tell he still doesn't like me being around. Toph has a more relaxed personality with a bit of that toughness most earth benders seem to have. She was representing the Earth nation while Aang the monk outfit that most Air bending masters wore. I know I saw the ones still in training wear something else but Aang was ranked higher than most from what I heard.

"Hey there Sparky." She answered. The others laughed, and I felt the smirk forming on my face.

"Sparky? Really?" I asked.

"Hey, I call them as I see them. Plus, I think it fits." She put her hands in her pockets and just smiled. I shook my head in defeat because even I knew there was no changing her mind. Katara jumped up, her excitement about the festival returning.

"So, what do you guys wanna do first?" She asked them. Toph gave an evil smile and began cracking her knuckles.

"There is an Earth bending tournament by the mountains that I want to enter. I hear there is some guy called The Boulder that claims he can not be neaten. I think it's time to prove him wrong." An intense aura surrounded her, that I wasn't surprised when Aang took a step back.

"I would love to see that!" I exclaimed. "Watching some wannabe macho man think he can beat a young girl and then get his ass kicked sounds like prime entertainment." Aang and Katara thought about it for maybe two seconds before nodding in agreement.

"When does the tournament start?" Katara asked. She directed it at Toph but surprising Aang answered.

"It's not for a little while longer. We got time for food or to check out the booths if you want." When he said we, I was shocked that he meant me too. Katara's eyes light up when she realized it too.

"I'm getting hungry, so I vote we get some food before we watch Toph destroy The Boulder!" She exclaimed. We all laughed and followed her towards the food stalls. After we bought an array of food and food seats, we were able to relax and finally enjoy the festival. At least, most of the time. My mind kept going back to the meeting with my dad which led to wondering where Sokka and Yue were and how they were doing. Obviously, Katara wasn't thinking about my father but I could tell she was worried about Sokka.

"We're going to head over to the tournament to sign in Toph. Are you coming with us?" Aang asked once we finished our food.

"You guys go ahead. We'll catch up." I said and Katara sent me a smile.

"No prob. See ya, Sparky and Sweetness." Her and Aang ran off laughing because of the blush on Katara's face (not sure how Toph knew but was not gonna question it).

"So Sweetness, let's go find that brother of yours." She nodded and grabbed my hand. We began by going a little father outside the booths. We walked closer to the tree line because no way anyone wants to have an argument on the main roads. We turned the corner and saw them standing behind a huge tree by a small river. They seemed to be in a small clearing and the moonlight shined upon them. It would have been a beautiful sight if it wasn't for the looks on their faces.

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