Coming Unhinged

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Zuko's POV

Holy crap, this is not gonna end well. I have no clue what Paku and Jeong Jeong were thinking when they decided to have Azula and Katara spar against each other! At least they were smart enough to have it out in the open and not indoors.

Azula has been dying to go against Katara. A smirk made its way onto my face but not for the reason everyone probably thinks, though it helps to keep up pretenses. Azula has no clue what she's in for. 

"Remember, the main object of this assignment is being able to deflect the other's attack." Master Paku announced to the class.

"Now begin!" Jeong Jeong yelled suddenly but both were ready. Azula and Katara were moving so quickly that it was kinda hard to tell who had the upper hand. They were dodging and blocking each other's attacks it was almost as if they choreographed the whole fight.

 I could tell that Azula was getting frustrated. This made me worry because Azula is tough enough when she is calm but when she gets like this I usually stand back. It's almost as if she becomes unhinged.

Katara sent a wave of water and Azula had nowhere to go. At the last second, she brought up a firewall successfully evaporating every drop of Katara's attack. She sent a smirk towards Katara which she just returned as if she already won. With a wave of her hand, Katara pulled water from thin air, right at Azula's legs, knocking her down making her land on her butt.

I had no clue she could do that! Didn't even know that was possible and by the look on Azula's face neither did she. 

Azula jumped right back at up, looking ready to kill. There was a dangerous fire growing in Azula's eyes. I started making my way closer to the sidelines. She was planning something and I was worried. I won't let her hurt Katara.

Next Azula summoned lightning and everyone started to panic. Jeong Jeong and Paku were yelling at Azula to stop while Katara was stuck in her path. There was nowhere for her to go without putting someone else in danger. So she stood her ground waiting for the attack moving water around her as a makeshift shield.

That won't work.

In my mind, I saw the lightning moving to Katara and felt my feet moving without realizing it. I jumped in front of Katara and absorbing the lightning but faulting in its path. It was almost as though I could feel it skim my heart. Looking around, I quickly directed it in the safest route towards the sky.

I fell to the ground and landed on my shoulder really hard. My body was shaking with the overflow of energy in my body. People were screaming but I couldn't understand a word. Suddenly, my shirt was ripped open and something cold spread across my chest. In the next moment, I felt my body relax. Whoever is doing this I think I love them.

Slowly I open my eyes and look into brilliant blue eyes laced with tears.


"Don't even act like that was all part of the plan." I said as Azula stood in my room at the infirmary the next day. She had already been reprimanded by Father and this wasn't just because Jeong Jeong and Paku were in the room. She acted out of impulse in a sad attempt to win. Father believed she shouldn't have had a problem beating that foolish waterbender and this just means more paperwork for him.

"Think about it Zuzu. You just saved her life. She owes you and could even see you as her hero." Azula said with a cold smile.

"You can't fool me Azula. You had no clue about my ability to redirect lightning." I replied with a smirk. Her hands clenched at this because there was no way she could deny that.

"Speaking of which, where did that come from? Don't remember a seminar about that." She asked her voice tight as she tried to restrain her jealously. 

"It kills you that I know something you don't, doesn't it?" I said feeling my smirk stretch across my face. "Guess you're gonna have to get over it."

"Well, some thanks I get." She says trying to brush it off. "But I do wonder, what made you save her. You literally almost died for her."

I went silent cause I didn't even know myself. Sure I learned the technique but never used it until yesterday. I had no way of knowing that I wouldn't have been burnt to a crisp.

Before either of us spoke we heard a knock at the door and saw Katara standing in the doorway.

There we go! I always wanted to see the lightning shock from Zuko's point of view and I think I did a good job. Let me know what you think by voting and what you all wanna see in the comments.

Don't forget to smile at least once a day :)

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