Following Orders

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Zuko's POV

Azula is a pain in the ass. Every move has a reason and she knew exactly what she was doing when she spoke to the group about the element arenas.

It's started. Father is moving quicker than I had hoped and I have no clue what to do. I need to talk to Katara. She is the one good thing in my life and I know the longer I wait the worst it will get. Seems that's the case with a lot of obstacles in my life. It won't matter that I had no choice in my Father's plan, but I do have the choice of when to tell her. I just don't want to lose her which causing this endless circle.

"This is nuts! I couldn't get into the armory to spare for swordsmanship! Master Plandao showed us a new technique and basically said it was going to be on the final, but I have no way to practice." Sokka was venting as we all sat in the back of the library. I'm sure that if we didn't have to stay quiet he would be expressing his frustration differently.

"Same here." Suki added. "The only thing we have had access to is the library, but there is only so much we can do in the library. Reading about techniques won't help in the practical portions of our exams."

Everybody nodded in agreement and I grew more uncomfortable as the conversation continued. Katara kept sending me worried looks. I repressed a sigh and looked her in the eye. She understood my meaning and nodded.

"We're gonna get going." She announced to the group. They didn't even care as they let out their frustrations to each other. Right as we left, Aang mentioned how he had no issues when he went to the fire arena. I had a small moment of relief that we were leaving. We gathered our things and I carried both our bags. When I first carried Katara's bag for her, she gave an adorable, bashful look and I knew I wanted to see that whenever possible. Even now a small blush grew on her cheeks as we walked out of the library. I led her outside to one of the private gardens, so we wouldn't be overheard.

"Are you finally going to tell me what has been bothering you?" She asked with a smirk. I let out a chuckle but we both know there was no humor behind it.

"I should have known." I said and turned away. "The problem is I'm afraid of the outcome."

"Why?" She placed her hand on my chin and brought it back, so I was staring in her eyes. "What are you afraid I'm going to do."

"Leave me." It was obvious my answer shocked her as her hand dropped to her lap. Afterwards, she grew more worried. "You are the one good thing in my life, but I know I need to tell you the truth. All these problems with the practice arenas and weaponry, it's not a coincidence." She stayed quiet and waited for me to continue.

"This has been my father's plan from the beginning though he never said a word. I simply followed orders. That's all I ever do is follow orders." I felt my fists tighten as I grew angry with myself. "I could have fought back but it was simpler to listen and obey. It was never a huge issue because they weren't an inconvenience. It's not like I cared about being popular or liked by the student body so being the school's jackass didn't faze me. It was just a package deal with being the Prince. The only thing I found weird was being told to expand my friendship with Mai into a romantic relationship. Growing up, it was obvious that she had a crush on me and Azula saw it too. I'm not sure if she told my father this because I doubt he paid attention or he just found out that she was the daughter of a major construction company. He told me this would increase their business relationship which I never understood. My father is the headmaster of a prodigious fighting academy, why should he be so concerned about a steady relationship with a contractor? But it was just another order I had to obey. In my eyes, this was a way to get the other girls off my back and satisfy my father."

"We attended the business dinners, went on dates, and went through the motions of being in a relationship. Though, it reached a point where we both knew it wasn't more than that. When I told my father we broke up, he was not happy. He sent me to work with my Uncle as punishment. We needed to find a new use for me. Then, I told him about us." At this Katara began to fidget. I never spoke about how my father reacted, simply that I told him. "At first he was quiet. I told him you were a water bender and I wasn't sure how he was going to take that. A relationship with someone outside the fire bending community or anyone that couldn't benefit him. Then he surprised me but saying I might be doing something right. That worried me because he has never given me a compliment. He wanted me to gain favor of the other students. Students outside of the fire element. Basically, it sounded as if he wanted me to make friends, but friendships are ridiculous and simply a tool to get ahead in life. I asked what the point of that was but he explained that that was information I didn't need to worry about. It wasn't until right before the Element Festival that he let me know."

"I knew Yue was leaving. I knew because he told me how things were moving forward in ridding the school of the lower classes. He told me to continue socializing with the others and that it would help when he moved to the next stage. It's not like I could say no. I was trying to get your friends to like me because I knew it was important to you. Plus, if they liked me than it would make things easier on you. Turns out it was working for my father too. The reason he wants others to accept me is so it will be easier to find a way to get rid of them. I would tell him what was going on, not realizing how it was helping. The reason no one can find a way to spare or get their weapons is because he wants them to fail."

"What do you mean? Why would the headmaster want his students to fail?" Katara asked.

"Not all his students." I answered but Katara still appeared confused. "He plans on the fire element classes to succeed in this years final exams not anyone else. If he can show the board members that the others aren't taking their studies seriously than there is no need to have them here. Not that it really matters because he has half of them in his pocket already."

"And you knew about this?" I felt her freeze. This was the turning point. I turned to face her and grabbed her hands. As soon as I touched her, I tried to commit her soft skin to memory not knowing if I will get this chance again.

"Not in the beginning but since the Elements Festival. He was already so far in his plans and I knew I should have spoken but I'm ashamed to say I didn't. I tried to get the arena's open again but soon he found out." Katara remained still as I tried to defend myself. Though, there was really nothing else for me to say. I did nothing to stop this even after I found out. I placed one hand on her cheek and stared into her ocean blue eyes. There were so many emotions running by, I couldn't tell what she was thinking. I didn't know what else I could say or do.

All I did was follow orders.

OH MY FRICKIN GOD!!!! At this moment, the story has passed 10k views and has 438 votes! Thank you all so much for the positive feedback, it was more than I ever imagined. 

So now we know Ozai's master plan: to rid the school of the "lesser" elements and fighting styles so that the fire element will rise. How will the group fight this? Or more importantly, how will Katara take Zuko's part in all this? Let me know what you think will happen or what you might want to see(read).

I want to send a shout out to @Brokenmaknaemy for their stream of votes. Any votes or comments are welcomed!

Don't forget to smile at least once a day :) 

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