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Zuko's POV

There were only two more days of finals and I was feeling hopeful. I had to because there wasn't much more I could do. I couldn't talk to the board members and had to let the others deal with that. If I were to go, they might freak out that I was there for my father. Or worse, tell him what we're doing before the vote.

The most I did was distract my father from the other students. It was easy, all I had to do was inflate his ego. He was paying so focused on the future that he was paying no attention to the present. The real issue was Azula. She was determined to find proof that I was working against Father. She was right, of course, but thanks to the Order of the White Lotus, she wasn't having much luck. I did make her think that she found something and was in the office with her when she tried to tell Father. It was the best moment I've had since I brought back the Prince. Acting like a complete ass was perfect in this moment, taunting her and smirking, all while Father laughed along with me.

"Hey there Zuko," Kuzon said to me in the common room, "I was hoping we could spare a bit before my final this afternoon."

"Yeah, no problem," I answered. Even though I wanted the others to stay doesn't mean I want all the firebenders to fail. Kuzon was the one person, besides Mai, that I was able to count on all these years. "I'm going to put my things back in my room and I'll meet you there. At most, ten minutes."

"Thanks man." Kuzon said, giving me a high-five, before rushing off. I gathered my stuff and headed towards my room. I turned the corner and automatically tripped over something, sending my things flying across the floor.

"You need to be more careful. We wouldn't want anything happening to the headmaster's son." I rolled over to see some boneheads from the fire department.

"Unless Azula gives the order, am I right?" I countered. These guys were so stupid that the only way they could pass was by doing whatever Azula said. Before I could push myself off the ground, one of the guys stomped on my hand. I forced myself not to cry out but couldn't stop from flinching. More guys came out of the shadows and I knew they had me surrounded.

"Can I help you wi-" I didn't get to finish my sentence before my world went black.


"WAKE UP!" Someone yelled causing a sharp pain to go through my head. A light shined on my face making it hard to open my eyes. Suddenly, water was thrown onto my face almost as strong as if I had been punched. I tried to move but couldn't considering I was tied to a chair.

"This is a bit of an overkill Azula." I said through coughing fits.

"You should know more than anyone, Zuzu, I don't do things half-assed." She answered, standing right in front of the light. The most I could make-out was her silhouette.

"Get on with it. What do you want?"

"Nothing from you," Azula said with a laugh, "You're simply the bait."

"And who would you want to talk to this badly?" I asked.

"You can't be that stupid, Zuko. Not that many people care about you. Even fewer love you." I felt my body stiffen gaining another laugh from Azula. "Yes, I'm talking about your little waterbender. If she thinks that you're in trouble, she'd bound to bring more of your so-called friends."

"And how does that help you? They are amazing fighters and those idiots of yours will barely be a challenge for them."

"True, which is why I know your group is leading this little crusade of your." Azula answered and I scoffed.

"This again? Why won't you let this go? If you're not careful, you'll get wrinkles." Apparently, this was the wrong thing to say. Azula kicked my chair causing me to fall backwards, crushing my hands, and causing me to hit my head on the concrete. I couldn't stop the scream that followed.

"And if you're not careful, you'll end up with broken bones." She threatened. My chair was yanked up right and barely a second before I was punched in the face. I was even more disoriented that it took me awhile before I focus on Azula who was smiling at me.

"Now, as I was saying, for some reason those people care about you. They will drop everything to come save you." She explained. I realized her plan and tried not to show how worried I was. "And by doing that they'll be too distracted to finish their finals or change the outcome of the vote."

"You could've told me instead of this nonsense," I said, trying to keep my cover, "I would've helped."

"You may have Father fooled but not me." Azula growled, grabbing my shirt and pulling me forward, making me teeter on the front legs. "You and our traitor Uncle have been helping the other students and trying to get the board to vote against Father's plan."

"Very good, Azula," I said sarcastically, there was no way I was going to let her think she was getting to me, "And I've also figured out end world hunger. You seriously plan on hiding me for a week?" I asked.

"No, that would be stupid," Azula answered with a sneer, setting me back on all fours, "Turns out the vote has been moved to the day after finals. I need to keep you here for three days. After that, well, I haven't made up my mind what to do with you." 

Damn, I think Azula has lost it.

Votes and comments are always appreciated.

Don't forget to smile at least once a day :) 

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