The Great Prodigy

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Zuko's POV

It was the next morning, and the only thing I wanted to do was smile. Unfortunately, I needed to appear as pissed as the other firebending students. I made sure to text Sokka before I left my room. When I reached the common room Kuzon, my only friend in firebending, came up and started telling me what was going on. I leaned up against the wall and brought back the Prince. It was the only way to keep a smile off my face. Soon we were joined by Azula, and Kuzon ran off.

"This is ridiculous! How could the maintenance team not tell there was a problem with the pipes? They need to be fired! If Father hasn't done anything about it, you can bet I will." Azula threatened. At that moment, I felt guilty and, if I could, I would help them either keep their jobs or get new ones. Before I could speak, Azula and I received a text message. By her reaction, I knew she received the same one from Father.

Come to my office. Now.

We stood straight and walked towards the exit. I had no idea what my father had planned or what he knew, but I didn't feel worried. Instead, there was almost a calming feeling running throughout my body.


"I called you both here because the shut-down of the fire arena could hurt the take-over of the academy." Father spoke in a calm voice, but I wasn't fooled. It was almost like the calm before the storm.

"We should open one of the other arenas for the firebenders." Azula suggested, and I let out a laugh.

"You really believe that the other elements won't notice that? After they've been closed for months?" I asked her. "How were you going to tell the firebenders? A notice on the bulletin board?"

"Then what do you have in mind, Zuzu?" Azula tried to undermine me with her stupid nickname.

"I agree we should use another arena, but we need to move carefully. We need to tell the students in small groups, find a back door to the arena and let them figure out how to get there unnoticed. We can consider it apart of their final. If they can't find a way in, then we don't need them." I explained. It was silent after my suggestion until my father let out a laugh.

"I'm impressed, son. What is going on with the other students?" He asked.

"Those idiots are still whining about the arenas and library. They even asked if I could talk to you, Father. Of course, I told them I'd do my best." I said and laughed along with Father.

"Then how come you aren't as close to that waterbender?" Azula asked.

"The plan's almost complete, so why should I bother? Her friends accepted me and are still talking to me. Sure, she kept my attention in the beginning, but now is a waste of time." I said in a cocky voice. I know I was saying this because I had to, but it hurt. They were the reason I was doing this. That's why Azula was staring at me so intensely. She couldn't tell if I was lying, and it was bothering her.

"And how were you able to think up a plan so quickly?" Azula asked. I put on a cocky smile and stared at her.

"I've been thinking of a solution since I heard the news. Unlike others who were too busy complaining." I answered. I heard Father chuckle, and it increased Azula's anger. "If its ok with you, Father, I want to get started on contacting the firebenders. Since I'm the only one that students can handle."

"Of course. I will gain access to the earth arena since it's the closest to the fire arena." Father said with a smile. It was a creepy smile, and I was glad I was leaving the room. I bowed and left the room, but not before I saw Azula looking murderous. Now I couldn't help but smile.


"I need your help to spread the word to the other firebenders." I said to Kuzon. We were sitting in the common room in the corner. Other firebenders were mulling around still pissed. I saw the others smiling, and some looked in my direction. I kept the Prince face on, and they caught on to why I couldn't smile. "We can't just go up to a huge group and tell them the plan."

"Then what do you want to do?" He asked me. I gave him a smirk to keep up appearances.

"We pick them off in small groups or even singles. Then it works almost like a fire. All you need is that one spark." I explained to him. It took him a moment before he smiled in understanding. At that moment, a guy broke away from a group to throw something away. I handed Kuzon an empty bag of chips and nodded in his direction. He grabbed the bag, hurried over, and started a conversation. The guy turned in my direction, and I gave him a small nod. I noticed two girls off to the side, and I started to get up when I was pushed back into my seat.

"What are you planning?" Azula said, looking extremely pissed. I leaned back in my seat and smirked at her.

"What's wrong? Are you mad that I considered the detail before you did?" I said in a cocky tone. "We did have the same idea, after all."

"There is something else going on here. You are way too calm about this situation. You didn't seem interested in the plan before, and now you're the one helping? It doesn't make sense." She said, staring intently at me, but I kept my smile.

"The great prodigy is having trouble remaining number one, and it's killing her." I mocked her. "I had an idea to help Father. It's not my fault you didn't think about it first."

"There is also the matter of the waterbender and the other "friends" you've made." Azula continued, "All of a sudden, you are fine with dropping them and letting them fail?"

"I never said that I wasn't." I told her which was true. During the meetings in his office, I never spoke much and never disagreed with his plan. Azula stayed quiet because she couldn't disagree.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I were to look at your text messages." Azula countered. I rolled my eyes, but I also knew she was going to go there.

"Even Mai never asked to look at my phone, and we dated for years." I said and pulled my phone out of my pocket. When I tried to hand it to Azula, she shook her head and smiled.

"I got your text messages from the phone company itself." She said as she pulled out a stack of papers. "It would be easy for you to delete the messages on your phone. Not so easy to get to the phone company."

"Go ahead," I told her, and she was shocked again. The Order of the White Lotus had someone in the phone company because we knew from the beginning that my father or Azula would look at my texts or phone calls. She began looking through my messages and kept going because she wasn't finding anything. "Are you happy now? I need to start talking to firebenders. We both know no one would want to talk to you, so this part is up to me."

I stood up and, when she didn't stop me, I walked away with a smile on my face. The two girls were still on the side, and they noticed me coming over. One flipped her hair while the other seemed confused.

Azula, The Great Prodigy, the princess that was born lucky, has no idea what I was doing, and it was driving her crazy. This day was better than I thought it was going to be when I woke up this morning.

I beat my Friday deadline! I had set a personal deadline to post another chapter and I'm proud of myself that I finished a day earlier (A couple of hours if you want to be technical). I also love that Zuko is pissing Azula off so I had fun with this chapter. Finals are going to be in the next chapter and it's what everyone has been working towards.

Let me know what you think by hitting that star or leaving a comment. I want to thank @leannamae23 and @teenagesouls for their kind words.

Don't forget to smile at least once a day :) 

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