Chapter 136-140

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Countless audiences are boiling at this moment.

【Walter? ! Are these two remote control bombs? ? The two exchanged so calmly? 】

[This...Actually, after a careful analysis, the two are currently in a state of check and balance, Su Shen can't take Shangguan Yun, and Shangguan Yun can't take Su Shen. 】

[Before landing, Shangguan Yun will definitely threaten Su Shen to ask him to wear a remote control bomb, and Su Shen will definitely want Shangguan Yun to wear a remote control bomb in order to ensure his own safety. Only in this way can we maintain mutual checks and balances between the two. 】

[When one person dies, the other person has to die too]

【I go! This is so delicate, the two seem to have no disputes, but in fact they have already clashed in secret? 】

[Similar meaning, now that Su Shen is completely tied to Shangguan Yun, no one can do anything about it. After all, if something goes wrong, another person's bomb will be triggered. 】

【Beep! This idea is invincible! 】

In the live broadcast room, there was an uproar.

No one expected that Su Yun and Shangguan Yun would plant bombs on each other.

In this case, both sides can't help each other!

in the helicopter.

Su Yu was still watching Shangguan Yun behind him.

To be honest, he still hasn't seen what this girl wants to do.

Does this make any sense?

Under the mutual checks and balances, even if the pursuers from behind come over, there is not much to do.

After all, unless he and Shangguan Yun disarmed the remote control bomb at the same time, no one would be at ease with the other.

At the same time, no one can kill anyone.

It seemed that he noticed that Su Yu was looking at him, and Shangguan Yun smiled.

"How about it, do you think this is fun?"

Su Yu didn't say anything, and continued to drive the helicopter towards the South China Sea.

Time passed, and an hour passed quickly.

And Su Yu also arrived in the South China Sea.

In the direction of the suburb of Nanhai, Su Yu flew the helicopter.

Finally, Su Yu hovered over an abandoned factory.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Su Yu's eyes looked at Shangguan Yun lightly.

Shangguan Yun spreads his hands.

"I didn't do anything, they just wanted to play with you."

Hearing this, Su Yu didn't say anything else and stopped the helicopter directly.

Unbuckling the seat belt, Su Yu got off the plane.

Shangguan Yun also jumped down.

It was just that Su Yu's muzzle was already aimed at the opponent.

"I'm so relieved of you, you still want to shoot me, I'm so sad."

Shangguan Yun looked at Su Yu's muzzle with a sad expression on his face.

But in his eyes, there was a smile that could not be hidden.

"Shoot, let's end it together."

She flashed her wrist again.

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