Chapter Two

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Perri on the side --->


When I woke up it was almost dark outside - I had missed dinner. Groaning, I pulled myself up from my bed and shuffled down to the huge kitchen. A few pack members were sitting around the table, talking. I made some cereal and decided to join them.

"Hi, Perri!" Annie, a preppy blonde, spoke.

"Hey Annie", I said, forcing a smile. Annie was the type of girl who only hung out with you because you were popular - something that I didn't appreciate.

Dan, Toby, and the other scout - who's name was Keith - were nowhere to be seen. I assumed they were out on patrols or something, but then I realized that there weren't many able-bodied male wolves about.

"Hey", I said, interrupting the current conversation, "What happened with those rogues?"

A tall brunette named Una answered. "Alpha Liatree took care of them. He and his men captured around six. There weren't any others around our territory. The most any other pack have seen wreaking havoc was six, too. We think it must've been the same six."

How the hell did she know all this?

"Why did the Blue Dawn pack need assistance against rogues then? Surely they could've handled them by themselves."

Annie smiled grimly. "Yeah, but six wolves can do a lot of damage."

These rogues must be damn strong, then. "How many men did it take to capture them?"

"Around thirty, and ten of them are heavily injured." This time it was Gail, a quiet girl, who spoke.

Wow. I do not wanna get on their bad side. Although chances are, I'll never meet them. "Okay, so where is everyone?"

"All the guys are out training", Una said.

"Is Dad training with them?" I asked. I felt like I was asking a lot of questions, but what could I say? I was curious. Especially about that scent I caught, and how everyone else smelled something foul.

"No, he's questioning the rogues", Annie said, rolling her eyes. "He isn't getting very far, though. They won't answer a thing. Alpha and his guards haven't started torturing them yet, but they will soon. Shame. I saw them when the warriors were bringing them to the cells, and damn, they were hot."

I snorted quietly. If I'm completely honest, Annie was a bit of a slut. Though I'm not one to deny a person's attractiveness, I don't usually act on it. Annie does. She's been with more guys than I can count on my fingers and toes combined. I pity her mate, when she finds him.

Gail laughed softly and Annie shot her a look that dared her to say something aloud. Una just sat there dumbly, watching. I stood up from the table and started walking out, ignoring the calls from Annie asking where I'm going.

I passed a few pack members on my way to the door, and most were teenagers or unmated wolves. Most mated couples moved out of the pack house after they found each other or decided to start a family. Only the alpha and his mate and the beta and his mate stayed in the pack house when they found their mates. It simply wasn't big enough to house the whole pack, seeing as we had over two hundred members.

I walked out the front door and onto the lawn. The grounds of our mansion were huge, and there were even a few cottages for elders here and there. There was a meeting hall, and a squat, gray building that held cells. Everyone else lived close - still on pack territory, but not on the actual grounds of the pack house.

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