Chapter Three

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As soon as we got back to the pack house, Dad disappeared up to his office and I was left with Dan.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Talk."

"Can we go up to my room first?" I pleaded, because I'd seen Annie lurking nearby "reading" with her book upside down. She'd had a bit of a crush on Dan for as long as I could remember, but he practically hated her; he was always complaining about how she "stalked" him.

He nodded slightly and followed me upstairs to my room. I sat down on my four poster bed and Dan followed suit after closing the door tightly. All of the rooms in the pack house were soundproof, seeing as sometimes when you walked by someone's bedroom you heard...sounds.

"So..." I cleared my throat. "What did you want to talk about?"

Dan snorted. "Seriously?"

"Okay." I gave in. "That rogue guy is my mate."

"Yeah, I know", he said. 

"Then why the hell did you want to talk to me?" I said incredulously.

"You know you're going to have to reject him, right?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, he could be dangerous for the pack. But I don't know if I can find it in me to do it."

He shrugged. "I don't know, I haven't found my mate yet. But maybe if you talked to your dad ..."

"Not going to happen", I cut in. "He'd literally murder my mate."

"Wouldn't he care about you, and your happiness?" Dan countered.

He made a good point. All I'd been thinking about was how much Dad hated rogues, but maybe he wouldn't mind if it was my mate.... Wait, who was I kidding? He hated rogues, no matter what. They'd murdered his brother, my uncle, when I was three. He and Dad were really close, but now he was gone because of rogues.

I shook my head. "Remember Terrence?" 

Terrence was my uncle. Everyone in the pack knew that story, no matter what age they were. Realization dawned on Dan's face, but he still didn't give up. "But this is your mate. You never know, he might understand."

Yeah, he might. When pigs fly. But my dad was unpredictable, so I didn't know what he would do. "I'll tell him soon, just not today."

"He might figure it out on his own", Dan warned.

"Not if I can help it", I smirked.

Dan shook his head, before standing up and walking out, saying goodnight.


Three hours later, I was lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling. My wolf was yelling at me to go and see my mate, and she wouldn't shut up so I could get some sleep.

I sighed. 'Okay, I'll go and see him, but just shut up!'

If my wolf was a person, she'd be smirking at me right now. 'Okay.'

I swung my legs out of bed and stood up, stretching. I pulled a robe on over my pyjamas and slipped my feet into a pair of shoes. I walked over to the door and opened it cautiously. I shared this floor with the other mateless teenage girls, but all of them would just think I was going to the boys' floor if they heard me, so being quiet didn't matter.

I shuffled down the stairs and towards the back door, because the front door creaked a lot. An elderly woman was in the kitchen getting a glass of water, but she didn't question me. When you lived in a huge mansion with about ninety other wolves, you learned to mind your own business.

I made my way down the path and towards the prison. There were guards standing out front, but again, they didn't question my motives. Perks of being the Alpha's daughter.

I sneaked down the steps inside until I came to the lines of cells. This time, a bunch of snores filled the air. I knew which cell belonged to my mate from the scent. Every prisoner got their own cell, seeing as we didn't have that many prisoners.

I walked to the cell at the end of the row and peeked in. There was a rickety bed in the corner, and there were no windows. A tray a sat on the floor and a bucket in the corner served as a toilet. Ew. My mate lay on the uncomfortable looking bed, staring listlessly up at the ceiling. At the sound of my footsteps his head snapped up, and a smirk graced his lips as his eyes met mine.

He got off the bed and came right up to the bars. "Well, hello there, mate."

His voice was slightly husky and sent shivers down my spine. I mentally shook myself and replied with a weak, "Hey."

His smirk grew larger. "What are you doing here?"

"Um..." I tried to think of a reasonable excuse. "They ran out of guards so my dad sent me here to check on you?"

It came out as a question, and I could tell he didn't believe me from the light chuckle that escaped his lips. 

"Well", he drawled. "Any chance you can get me out of here?"

I shook my head. "No. Besides, you're dangerous for my pack."

He laughed darkly. "There's one of me, and two hundred of you. What would I be able to do against you?"

I shrugged. "I don't know; you seemed to do pretty well against the Blue Dawn pack."

His damn smirk returned. "That was just a bit of fun. Now I've got my mate, I won't bother any of the packs anymore."

I frowned. "Wait a minute. You haven't got me. I haven't accepted you, and you haven't marked me. I could have a boyfriend for all you know."

Wrong move. He growled loudly. "You're mine."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"Look I'm not arguing with you about this. I have to go, anyways", I said, and started walking away. My wolf was yelling at me to go back to him, but I ignored her, as usual. 

I was halfway up the steps when a voice called out, "You're mine!"

I didn't reply and soon reached the top of the steps. I quickly exited the prison and started making my way back to the pack house. The only thought running through my mind was how stupid I was.

I sneaked out here in the middle of the night just to see him, and I didn't even find out his name.


So there's been some sort of problem with the spacing between each paragraph. I don't know how it shows up for you, but for me it's either a huge big gap or the tiniest little line. I don't know how to fix it so I'm just going to leave it be.

If you find any mistakes, tell me and I'll fix them as soon as possible.

I don't know when the next chapter will be, but it'll hopefully be soon. I hope you liked this one, though.

Remember to vote and comment!

Thanks ♥

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