Chapter Nineteen

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Perri's POV


Aiden and I woke to a knock on the door. It took a moment to get my surroundings, but I quickly realized that I was in my bedroom at the pack house. Aiden groaned from beside me and buried his face in the pillow, so I knew I would have to be the one to get up and see who it was.

Surprisingly, it was Rian. "We have school today, get up!" He exclaimed.

I groaned. I didn't remotely care about school right now. I could probably miss today and then catch up later. "I don't want to go today", I said with a yawn.

"Too bad", he said. "You have ten minutes."

With that, he disappeared as quickly as he came. I sighed, deciding that it couldn't really do any harm to go into school, unless I was murdered on the way or something. I decided to let Aiden sleep for a while longer since he looked too damn adorable whilst doing so.

I showered quickly and pulled on a random outfit. I probably looked like some sort of street urchin but I didn't care. I brushed my hair and put it up in a ponytail to make sure it wasn't in my face after blow drying it a little. I was taking longer than the ten minutes I'd been allocated but Rian wouldn't mind. I hoped.

I moved towards Aiden and laid a hand on his shoulder, gently shaking him awake. "Aiden? Aiden, wake up."

He lay there unmoving, subconsciously refusing to wake up and face the world for another day. "Aiden!" I hissed, slapping him across the face.

He stirred, letting out a sigh before rolling over and resuming his previous heavy breathing. I frowned, not knowing what else to do. He should have woken up by now; I mean I didn't exactly go easy when I slapped him. He might even have a bruise for a few hours before his advanced werewolf healing would clear it up.

Okay, there was only one more thing to do in an effort to wake him up that wouldn't piss him off. As tempting as it was to pour water over him or push him out of the bed, I decided against either of those and instead I leaned down to press my lips against his quickly. It was a short kiss, but it did the trick and his eyes popped open right away.

I moved back as he sat up and stretched, showing off his impressive muscles. Damn, I was glad I got a hot mate. He smirked, his eyes still a bit puffy from sleep, which automatically gave him points for adorableness. Why couldn't I look like that when I woke up? "That was quite a nice way to wake up", he said, holding the attempt at looking smug.

I rolled my eyes. "I tried hitting you. Turns out that was the only thing that would magically bring you back to life."

"I'm sure throwing water over me would have had the same results", he said, rubbing his eyes to clear them of sleep.

"Would you rather I'd done that?"

He thought for a moment, but then his shoulders slumped and he accepted defeat. "No, I suppose not."

I grinned triumphantly. "Well, I just woke you up to say that I need to go to school, and I'll see you later."

"Okay", he said, falling back into bed and closing his eyes. Wow, he loves sleep.

I grabbed my bag from beside the door and left, walking downstairs. The kitchen was filled with groggy teenagers and anxious parents. Several small children were eating breakfast at the table.

I didn't know where Rian would be, seeing as no one here knew who he was. He was probably still up in the guest room he'd been assigned to. I lifted a tray from one of the cupboards and started filling it with a bunch of pancakes one of the omega women had made for everyone.

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