Chapter Eighteen

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Gail --->


School the next day went fine, but I found myself acting paranoid and looking over my shoulder all the time. Rian and Lisa asked what was wrong, but I just shrugged them off and said I was fine. And I was, just a little worried.

I eventually told them the situation and they understood, and both said they'd come back to pack territory with me just in case. That made me smile, and I gave both of them a huge hug. I'd never had proper friends like these, and knowing they were there for me made me happy.

I didn't tell Aiden I loved him yet, but I think he knew because he kept walking around with a huge grin on his face. He packed a bag to bring with him when I went back to the house, seeing as I already had stuff there. Home didn't seem like the right word to call it anymore because I felt like my home was wherever Aiden would be. Cheesy I know, but it was true.

I didn't talk to Annie again, and she wouldn't even glance in my direction. I didn't bother trying to patch things up with her because she was never really a great friend anyway.

Aiden mind linked me halfway through the day to tell me that Mark agreed to come to Red Rock territory with us, which caused a huge smile to appear on my face. We were planning on going home so that Rian and Lisa could get their stuff, and then we were going to go out and get dinner with Jesse and Sera.

Right now I was sitting in the back of the Aston Martin praying for my life. Lisa had been right, Rian was a terrible driver. He blamed it on the traffic, although there were barely any cars on the road.

"Slow down!" I cried, gripping onto the back of Lisa's seat so that I wouldn't accidentally fly out the window.

Rian merely ignored me and continued driving way over the speed limit. I was surprised we didn't get pulled over by a policeman, but we dropped Lisa off at her house safely and we even made it to the apartments alive.

My legs shook a little when I stepped out of the car but it wasn't that bad. "Next time, I'm not letting you drive", I said, pointing an accusing finger at the idiot who I called a friend, but he just shrugged his shoulders and grinned evilly at me.

"Live a little, Pez."

"You're incredibly annoying, you know that?" I told him as we climbed the stairs.

"You can only tell me that so many times before your words just fly right over my head", he replied, disappearing inside his own apartment as I went to Aiden's. He'd given me a spare key yesterday so that I could get in whenever and he didn't have to open the door for me.

He was in his bedroom when I arrived, sorting through the clothes on his bed. "Hey baby, do you know how long we'll be staying for?"

"No", I said, taking a seat beside him on the bed. "Just take enough to last about a week. We do have a laundry room you know."

"Oh yeah", he muttered, throwing all of the clothes back into their drawer and picking up a drawstring bag on the floor. "Mark should be done getting his stuff by now, let's go get him and Rian."

"Okay", I agreed, following him out. Rian was standing by the door with a duffle bag in his arms and Mark soon appeared behind him, holding a similar bag. Sera and Jesse were meeting us at the diner where we'd decided to eat, which didn't make sense to me, but if that's what they wanted then I wasn't about to object.

I sat in the passenger seat while Aiden drove and everyone else sat in the back. We picked up Lisa and she deposited her bag in the trunk before joining us. We made light conversation on the way but soon Aiden pulled up in front of a cute little diner.

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