Chapter Twenty Four

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When I woke, I didn't want to move at all, so I turned and snuggled into Aiden's warm embrace. The memories of what we had done last night (multiple times) came back to me all of a sudden and my face turned a bright shade of red that even a tomato would envy.

But all in all, I was happy.

Aiden was still asleep, his gentle snores filling the silence of my bedroom. There was a tiny gap in my curtains, and through it I could see that the sun was just rising. Too early.

I buried my face in Aiden's naked chest, closed my eyes, and let sleep overtake me once again.

The next time I woke up, I was alone in my bed. The space beside my wasn't completely cold yet, so I knew that Aiden couldn't be far away.

I stretched out my limbs but immediately recoiled. That hurt. 'I wonder why,' my wolf said gleefully inside my mind. She was delighted to be fully mated.

I ignored her and moved to get up, a lot slower this time. I stood up and let the covers fall away. My clothes were scattered all over the floor because we hadn't paid any heed to where they landed. Both of our wolves had practically taken over when I had reassured Aiden that I was completely ready to tale the next step with him.

I moved slowly to the closet and pulled out a pair of leggings and a baggy t-shirt. Then I gathered some underwear and socks from my underwear drawer and went into the bathroom. I was in bad need of a shower.

I glanced in the mirror and almost did a double-take. My hair was all over the place and I had dark circles under my eyes, but my mark stood out more prominently on my neck. My eyes were bright and I looked happier than I'd ever seen myself.

I turned away from the mirror and turned on the shower. The warm spray helped soothe my sore muscles and I soon relaxed. This was nice.

When I was finished cleansing myself, I turned off the water and stepped out, wrapping a towel around my body. I dried off quickly and got dressed in the outfit I'd set out for myself. I finished with a pair of brown ugg boots.

I dragged a brush through the wild tangles in my hair and plugged in my blow drier. While I dried my hair I wondered where Aiden was. I thought he'd have been back by now, at least to check if I was awake. I guess not.

I didn't bother putting on any makeup because I really didn't want to have anything to do with that kind of thing today. The space in between my legs was sore as well and I just wanted to lie down and watch movies until I was able to walk steadily.

I was hungry so I decided to go down and get some breakfast. I was hoping the kitchen would be empty of people I knew when I got there, but sadly practically everyone was there - Rian, Mark, Lisa, Gail, and a bunch of other pack members.

I tried to sneak in unnoticed but unfortunately since I couldn't really walk that well, I was like an elephant trying to hide behind a rose bush.

"OMIGOD!" Lisa shrieked.

"What?" I asked, sliding into a seat at the table with a wince.

Rian giggled. "You look like a constipated penguin."

"Hey!" I said, reaching for a plate of toast. I was glad that they didn't seem to care that Aiden and I were now fully mated.

"Wait, no, sorry," Rian apologised and I smiled at him. "You look like someone who just had a lot of sex!"

The table erupted in laughter and I groaned. I guess I spoke (or thought) too soon. "Shut up," I said, burying my head in my hands.

"We could hear you all the way in the guest room," Lisa said, wrinkling her nose. I blushed, even though her comment was obviously made up. The guest room was literally on the other side of the house.

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