Chapter Twenty Eight

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What the hell?

I stared at the closed door as if it would somehow open again, but Louisa obviously didn't have anything else to say to me, as confusing as it was. I'd have to figure things out on my own and talk to Aiden about it.

I slowly made my way back to the pack house, responding to some comments about how nice the funeral was from my pack members. They obviously meant well, but goddess, didn't they understand that I didn't want to talk to them right now?

Someone passed me a piece of cake on a paper plate when I entered the house; I threw it into the nearest bin. The scent of it was so sickly sweet that I felt like throwing up again. Maybe I should see a doctor about that -- it wasn't very often that wolves like us got sick. I hoped it wasn't anything serious.

I made a mental note to make an appointment with the pack doctor and continued to move through the house in search of my mate. Hopefully my appearance had improved a little and I didn't look like a zombie anymore, but I didn't really care enough to find a mirror and check.

"Have you seen Aiden?" I touched someone on the shoulder to ask. I recognized them vaguely but at the moment I didn't have enough energy to remember their identity.

"Um, I think he went upstairs," the pack member replied, and I thanked them before moving towards the stairs. There were lots of places Aiden could be that weren't on the ground floor, but the most likely would be either our room or my dad's old office. It was where Aiden had been taking care of pack business for the past while.

My suspicions were confirmed when I opened the door and found him with his face buried in a pile of papers. "Aiden?" I called, and when he didn't raise his head or answer me I realized that he was asleep. He clearly hadn't been getting enough rest.

I shook him gently, "Aiden, babe, wake up. Come to bed."

His head shot up suddenly and he looked around blearily, "W-what? I'm sorry, I must have just drifted off. I need to finish going through this…"

I frowned. "Come on. You can sort that tomorrow. Right now you need to get some more sleep."

In a twisted sort of way, I was glad that he needed me to take care of him right now. It was taking my mind off of everything that had happened. I needed to talk to him about what Louisa had said too, but that would clearly have to wait until tomorrow.

Aiden didn't resist me for long and soon I was leading him to bed. He kept yawning and it was clear how exhausted he was. He dragged me into the bed with him and wrapped his arms around me. "Night Perri," he murmured sleepily.

"Goodnight, Aiden."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Within ten minutes we were both out cold.


It was the next day, and I was wringing my hands nervously. I'd just been to see the pack doctor and now I was ready to talk to Aiden about becoming Alpha.

I'd decided to do it over lunch, maybe to pretend that it was just a casual conversation about mundane topics despite the last week or so.

We were outside, where I'd asked someone to set up a table and a couple of chairs. It looked cute, and Aiden smiled when he saw it.

"This is really nice," he said. "We needed a break."

I nodded in agreement and he pulled out my chair for me. A pack member brought out two plates of food and I thanked them before clearing my throat. It would be best to get this out of the way quickly.

"You know how…um, you know how you spoke to the pack through the link that day?" I said tentatively. Aiden nodded cautiously.


"Well, I went to see an elder about it."

"You did?" He seemed surprised.

"Yeah, and she said that… that the only way you could've done that would be because you were a true Alpha." I rushed the words out.

Aiden slowly put his fork down. "What does that mean?"

I took another deep breath. "It means you're supposed to become Alpha of this pack."


"Okay? So you want to?"

"Of course," he said with a shrug. "I'm an Alpha by birth, it comes naturally to me. I just wasn't entirely sure that I would fit well with this pack. But after the past week it really just feels right. I can't explain it."

I smiled. "Thank the Goddess. I don't know what I would have done if you had refused."

It felt like there was a weight lifted off my shoulders. We continued eating lunch with casual conversation, and Aiden was in the middle of telling me a story about one of the pups.

"Do you want kids?" I asked, my heart beating a little faster.

He looked surprised. "Of course! I'd love to have a family, and I couldn't imagine anyone better to have one with." He smiled at me.

My hands shook under the table. "That's good. Because, um, I went to the pack doctor today, y'know cause I was sick yesterday? And she told me that I-I'm pregnant..."

I trailed off when I saw the ecstatic look on his face. He jumped up and rushed around to my side of the table, placing a hand on my stomach. "You're serious?" He asked. So many emotions were swirling in his eyes.

"Yeah." I tried to smile, but my eyes were filling with tears. Happy tears. "If you listen real close you can hear another heartbeat."

Aiden closed his eyes to concentrate on the faint thumping of our baby's heart. When he opened them again there was a wondrous expression on his face. "Oh Goddess, you're serious," he whispered, nuzzling his face into my neck. "I love you so much."

I laughed and tried to stop the tears from running down my face. "I love you too."

He reached down and picked me up with one swoop. I squealed, "Aiden! Put me down!"

He grinned and I could see more tears shining in his own eyes. "Nope."

Aiden walked us towards the pack house, still smiling down at me. "I love you so so much," he said again.

"You're so sappy," I replied. "But I love you too. And our baby."

"And our baby," he echoed.

For once we were both crying together and it was so sweet. We could have a new start, now. With Aiden as Alpha and me as his Luna. And our new little family.

I sighed in content as I snuggled closer to Aiden. I loved my rogue mate.


A/N : hey, it's been what, two years? I'm sorry, I have no excuse other than I lost interest in this story and didn't want to write it any more. But I thought I'd at least write the ending. I'm sorry if this is riddled with plot holes, I don't remember anything about this story and had to read the last chapter to reacquaint myself with it, and I was 12 when I wrote most of this.

I doubt anyone still has it in their library, but if you do then thanks. I hope you enjoyed the story, but don't count on an epilogue -- you might end up waiting another two years.

Thanks for reading!

- M

Her Rogue MateWhere stories live. Discover now