Chapter Sixteen

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Perri's POV

Monday mornings will always be one of the most irritating things to ever exist, especially when you have to get up early right after any kind of holiday. I'd set an alarm last night after informing Aiden that I would be going to school. He wasn't happy about it, but he understood that I obviously had to finish my education.

The alarm did it's job and woke me at 6.30AM with an incessant beeping noise. I shut it off with more force than necessary and stumbled out of bed, rubbing my bleary eyes to get rid of the sleep in them.

Unsurprisingly, Aiden hadn't woken up and I felt like I should be worried that even loud noises didn't wake him when he slept. But I had asked him about it and he'd shrugged and said that his wolf would wake him if it was anything important.

I showered quickly and got dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a cute blue sweater. I finished the outfit with my black ankle boots and tied my hair back in a ponytail. I didn't bother with makeup seeing as it was just a Monday morning.

Lisa was going to be driving us to school because apparently Rian drove like a maniac and I never learned. Aiden promised he'd teach me sometime, but honestly I didn't think there'd ever be a situation where I absolutely had to drive. I mean, I would learn at some point, just not now.

I had thankfully remembered to bring my schoolbag so I slung it over my shoulder and went to call on Rian to see if he was ready yet. He answered after a few knocks, dressed in his usual attire, which consisted of a pair of gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt. We exchanged greetings and he told me that Lisa was on her way to pick us up.

If I was honest, I would have to say that I was kind of nervous about going back. I would be seeing all of my old pack members, including Annie and Gail. Luckily Dan had already graduated high school, so he wouldn't be there.

But I was scared that some of the people I used to hang out with would see me with Rian and Lisa. I wasn't ashamed about being friends with them or anything, I was just worried that someone might have a snide remark or two. I knew that my friends could take care of themselves, but I kind of felt responsible for my pack's actions, which was understandable seeing as I was the Alpha's daughter.

Soon Lisa arrived, holding her bag in her hand. She was dressed similarly to Rian, in sweatpants and a simple t-shirt. We all got into the now-familiar Aston Martin and Lisa drove us to school. I called shotgun, so Rian had to sit in the back with a pout on his face.

We pulled up in front of the school, which was the same as always. Students were milling around, talking to their friends, but most of them were human and I didn't know any of them. We all went our separate ways when the bell rang, promising to see each other at lunch.

Luckily there was no one I knew well in my first few classes, so I didn't have to have an awkward conversation with someone. Then came lunch.

I switched my books from my previous classes to the ones I would have now and then cautiously made my way to the cafeteria, where my friends had said they would be.

I quickly spotted both Rian and Lisa seated at a table on their own and I wondered how I'd never noticed them before. I liked to think that I would have gone over and talked to them if I had, but the truth was I wouldn't. I would have just stayed with my 'friends' from the pack. However, things were different now.

They saw me looking and waved, which I returned with a smile. I grabbed a tray and joined the line for food, waiting patiently. Unfortunately for me, a familiar whiny voice spoke from behind me. "Oh my gosh, Perri!"

Her Rogue MateΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα