Chapter Twenty

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Over the next few days, the members of the pack seemed to grow to accept Aiden, Mark, Lisa and Rian. I even spotted Logan - one of the guys I'd talked to a little - flirting with Lisa during dinner. I got a few strange looks, not all of them friendly, but soon everyone got used to seeing Aiden and I holding hands and similar PDA. I wasn't a huge fan of it, but it didn't really matter.

Gail and Mark were going strong even though they'd only met a few days ago, and I even saw his mark on her neck. They both seemed happy and were never seen apart. I'd been told that that was a common case for newly found mates.

Dad was holed up in his office trying to find some sort of connection to who these rogues - or rogue - was. I hadn't seen much of Dan either, since he had his Beta duties. He sent me a few brief smiles though, when I wasn't around Aiden.

Rian was a little mad that we were forced to take part in the extra training that Dad had set up. He constantly complained about his sore muscles, but when a girl who'd overheard flirtatiously told him she could massage them for him, he shook her off awkwardly and shut up about the subject. It was weird.

It was currently Saturday, and I was sitting in the living room watching TV with a few others. I wasn't sure what exactly we were watching, but it was interesting enough that I hadn't fallen asleep yet.

"Do you wanna go and do something today?" Lisa suddenly asked from her spot beside me. I'd thought she was as absorbed in the film as everyone else, but apparently not.

"Like what?" I questioned. If she mentioned anything that involved a lot of exercise, my automatic answer would be no. I was already tired out from the extra training we'd had to endure, especially since I hadn't been training every day when I stayed with Aiden.

"I don't know - we could just go to the mall or something", she replied, her eyes flicking from the TV screen to me and back again.

"Sure, why not?" I answered, standing up and dusting myself off. Aiden was busy playing soccer with some of the male pack members outside, and as much as I would have enjoyed seeing him all sweaty and shirtless, I'd opted to stay inside and watch this movie.

"Great, just let me get my purse", said Lisa, and I followed her up the stairs. I gathered my own purse along with my phone and switched my slippers for vans.

Once outside, I quickly spotted Aiden and some other guys where they'd set up a makeshift playing field. "Aiden!" I yelled, knowing he'd be able to hear me. "I'm going to the mall with Lisa, alright?"

He looked doubtful, but nodded hesitantly after a moment of thought. "Be careful, though."

I rolled my eyes but smiled to show him I understood. Lisa and I got into the car and drove off in the direction of the mall.


Apparently Lisa just wanted food, so after doing a bit of window shopping we headed over to the food court. There was a little pizza place so I sent Lisa up to order for me. I didn't really care what I got as long as it was pizza.

There was tables all around, but only a few of them were occupied. I noticed a little family at one, the mother wiping sauce of her little boy's face with a napkin. I smiled at that. In another corner there was two guys who appeared to have been looking at me, but I couldn't be sure because they quickly shifted their gazes. I frowned; they didn't exactly look friendly. I brushed the thoughts out of my mind when I saw Lisa returning with our food. She handed me a paper plate with a slice of pepperoni pizza and I thanked her.

We ate quickly, making small talk. Lisa teased me about my relationship with Aiden, and in turn I inquired about her and Logan. She informed me that they were just friends, and were waiting for their mates. I sympathized with her; although I didn't know what it was like to not have a mate seeing as I found mine right away, I could understand because Dan used to frequently complain about him not finding his before I turned eighteen. I sort of wished he and Lisa had ended up together.

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