Chapter Thirteen

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watch the vid on the side if you want to laugh




I woke up in an unfamiliar place, and it took me a moment to become aware of my surroundings. Then I realized that I was in Lisa's guest room, and I grinned slightly, which faltered when I remembered that Aiden and I have a date later. Shit, I needed something to wear!

My phone lay on the nightstand, so I picked it up to see the time. It was late, eleven am to be exact. I noticed I had a text, so I clicked into the message.


FROM : Aiden

Morning baby ;)

Well, that just brightened my entire day. I smiled, but didn't respond, because then he would know I only woke up at this time, and for once he was the one to wake up first.

I rolled out of bed and stretched, yawning a little. I walked out of the guest room and made my way to Lisa's door, which was closed. I didn't bother knocking and just barged right in, not caring if she was in the middle of getting dressed or something. Fortunately she wasn't, and still lay completely passed out on her bed.

I smirked to myself - now it was my turn to wake her up. I let out a war-cry before waving my arms in the air and running to the bed, throwing my entire weight on my friend.

She didn't wake up.

She stayed completely asleep, her deep breathing even. I groaned and got off her. I'd need to use a different method in order to wake this one up. Damn, what was with people and being heavy sleepers round here? First Aiden, and now Lisa.

I walked over to the window and threw open the curtains, letting the bright light chase away any lingering shadows. I glanced over my shoulder to see that Lisa was still fast asleep. Okay, desperate times call for desperate measures. She would thank me for this later... I'm sure.

I left Lisa's bedroom and walked to the nearest bathroom. Once inside, I opened the cupboard under the sink. I saw a gray basin sitting there and grinned widely. This would do. I filled up the container with freezing cold water and carried it carefully back to Lisa's room, hoping I wouldn't drop it and spill water everywhere.

Thankfully I managed to keep hold of it, and I stopped right in front of the sleeping beauty. Note my sarcasm. I think I saw a trail of drool on her pillow. I wrinkled my nose and tipped the basin, pouring water all over her.

She was up in a second, a crazed look in her eyes. Oh shit. I dropped the basin on the floor and screamed loudly, regardless of Lisa's parents or anyone else who might be in the house.

Lisa jumped off the bed and I took this as my cue to run for my life. I dashed out of her bedroom and down the stairs, my feet thumping loudly.

"I'm gonna get you for that, you bitch!" Lisa screamed, chasing after me.

Instead of screaming right back at her, I started to see the funny side of this and began laughing hysterically. "Not if you can't catch me!" I yelled back, even though she was roughly only three metres away.

I dashed into her living room as if I had a cheetah on my tail, but I wasn't prepared for the hardwood flooring and I skidded on a fluffy rug. My feet slipped from under me, and I landed in a heap on the floor, hurting my ass in the process.

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