Chapter Six

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I was searching for a blonde guy to play Rian, and then I just thought hey! What about bae? So here is the fabulous Caspar Lee as Rian --->


Perri's POV


I was oh so comfortable. I was warm, but not too hot, and I was just drowsy enough to be called sleepy. And since when did my bed get so soft?

I went to move my body so I could stretch, but found myself restricted by a heavy arm that was draped across my waist. My immediate reaction was to panic. Oh no, I slept with a pack member. And I'm the Alpha's daughter! I was supposed to save myself for my mate! Dad is gonna kill me ...if he ever finds out. Hopefully he won't. I mean, your scent only changes when you have sex with your true mate, right?

Wait ...speaking of mates ...

Oh hell to the no!

This explained why I was so comfortable. This was my mate. The same guy who marked me without my permission not a day ago. The same guy who evidently kidnapped me. The same guy who was now lying beside me, sleeping soundly.

The same guy who was unfortunately stopping me from getting up.

Okay, I needed to escape. It would be harder since I was marked and all, but I was strong enough to do it. I needed to go back to my pack - I couldn't stay as a rogue. Besides, my parents didn't have an heir, so I was next in line to be Alpha. Or Luna, since my mate was supposed to take the place of Alpha.

Werewolves are so sexist.

I decided to wait at least a day first, so that Aiden wouldn't be on his guard. I was certain he would be wary of my movements for a while, so for now I was just going to play the role of angry mate. After all, he marked me without even asking me first, right in front of my dad, Dan and his friends, causing me to pass out from the freaking pain, then he brought me here, wherever here was, and slept in the same bed as me! I mean, I know we're wolves, but come on, did he not think I might need some space?

But for now, I just needed to get his arm off me so I could find a mirror and take a look at my neck, which was probably a mangled mess. I decided against touching it, for fear of hurting myself. It probably wouldn't be fully healed yet, and would take another few days or so.

I tried to slowly peel his arm off me, but one of my own arms was trapped underneath me, and I had to use one hand. His arm was too heavy to move that slowly, so I dropped it with a thump.

Aiden stirred in his sleep, and I held my breath in case he woke up. Fortunately he just moved his arm over slightly and his breathing resumed its normal slow pace. How the hell can he move his arm so easily, when I can barely move it an inch?

The good thing was, his arm had now lost its death grip on my waist, and I shifted over a few inches until I realized I was at the edge of the bed, and his hand fell in between the two of us. I suddenly felt cold, but I put it down to the fact that there was no heating turned on. I wanted to crawl back into his arms and stay there forever, because I felt content and secure. But I knew if I stayed looking at him, I would give in, and I didn't want that.

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