Chapter Seventeen

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I decided not to tell Aiden about the note.

It was probably just Annie playing a mean joke as her way of getting back at me for "abandoning" her and the rest of the pack that I used to hang out with, so I didn't want to make a big deal over nothing.

I crumpled up the piece of paper and shoved it in my jeans pocket, promising myself that I'd throw it in the bin later. I didn't want Aiden to find it, otherwise he'd overreact and take it seriously.

Still, it kind of scared me how someone was able to get that into my locker without the combination. I knew it hadn't been shoved in through the slit that was between my locker and the person above me's, because it had been sitting on top of my science book and had only been dislodged because of the gust of air that rushed in when the locker door swung open.

I shrugged it off, quickly sorting my books and then getting the hell out of there. The hallways were almost empty by now, and I didn't want to be left alone with possible culprits. Okay, now I was just being paranoid. It was a stupid joke that could've been played by anyone, and that was the end of it.

Lisa and Rian were already in the car when I got outside, and since Rian was in the passenger's seat, giving me smug grins, I climbed in the back and relaxed.

"Where were you?" Lisa asked curiously, keeping her eyes on the road.

"I got held up; my locker was jammed", I lied, knowing she would believe it because that was a common occurrence in our school.

"Oh", she nodded. "You should get the janitor to check it out."

"Nah, it happens to everyone", I waved her off. "It'll be fine tomorrow."

She shrugged, switching on the radio. We sang along to some of the Taylor Swift songs that were being played, and Rian informed us that he was disgusted with himself for knowing the words. I grinned and told him we already knew he was secretly a fan.

We arrived at the apartment building and Lisa parked the car, the three of us getting out. She said she had to get home tonight, so Rian and I made the walk up the many flights of stairs alone.

The door of Aiden's apartment was already open, so we both just walked in like the boss ass bitches we were. Aiden, Jesse and Mark were seated around the coffee table, talking and laughing. I remembered hearing something about Sera still being in college, so that explained why she wasn't there.

When Aiden saw me he quickly jumped up, rushing over to give me a hug. "Hi", he murmured into my hair, causing me to chuckle a bit. He was too cute for his own good.

"Hi", I grinned, leaning up to give him a short kiss. He, however, had other ideas, and he put his hand on the back of my head to pull us closer, swiping his tongue across my bottom lip to ask for entrance, which I granted and I didn't bother trying to fight for dominance because I knew that I would lose anyway.

We massaged our tongues together, oblivious to our surroundings as we kissed with a fiery passion. I felt a familiar sensation in my lower region from being in heat, so then I knew it was time to stop.

I pulled away from Aiden and leaned my forehead against his, both of us breathing heavily. I heard a whoop from behind Aiden so I looked over his shoulder and saw Rian, grinning and giving me a thumbs up behind Aiden's back, which made me either want to laugh or blush and I didn't know which.

"So what were you guys doing?" I asked, breaking the silence and letting go of my mate to walk I side the living room.

"Video games", Mark supplied, pointing at the TV, which showed a pause menu on some game.

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