Chapter Nine

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there's a good few POV changes in this one, but not anything you can't handle


Aiden's POV


I woke up in the middle of the night with the feeling that something was terribly wrong.

My wolf, for some reason, was both excited and extremely angry. I asked him what was wrong, but his only reply was, 'Check our mate's room.'

That statement alone brought fear to my heart, and I had a feeling of dread in my stomach as I got out of bed and walked to her room. Her scent was old, and I knew, even before I turned on the lights, she was gone.

Growling in frustration, I threw a nearby glass at the wall, watching it shatter into pieces. The one thought that kept running through my mind was, 'Your mate left you...your mate left you...your mate left you...'

I didn't hesitate before grabbing my keys off the hook in the wall and throwing the door open, ignoring the way it banged off the wall on the other side. I opened my mind link with Mark to tell him where I was going, since he was the most reliable of all my friends. Well, except for Jesse, but who knew what he could be doing with Sera at this moment in time.

I hurried down the steps and outside. There wasn't any traffic on the street beside the apartment building because it was so late at night, so I just shifted into my wolf, letting my basketball shorts shred to pieces.

My senses were immediately enhanced, and straight away I caught Perri's scent. I was glad she hadn't masked it with another scent, since now it was much easier to track her. I already had my suspicions that she'd gone back to her pack, though, so it really didn't make much of a difference.

But either way, I was going to find her, and I was going to make sure she knew that she was mine.

I ran for a few miles, until I was about a mile out from Red Rock territory. There was a forest nearby, and the borderline was halfway through. I realized how stupid I'd been - I couldn't just barge into their territory in the middle of the night! I'd have to wait until morning, and then I'd just take Perri and leave.

But right now, I couldn't be bothered going to the effort of running all the way back to the apartment just to get a few uneasy hours of sleep, so I crawled in wolf form under a large bush and curled up, trying my best to fall asleep. For some reason my wolf was yipping excitedly, and I didn't know what was wrong with him. I'd have to go to a werewolf doctor and get myself checked out if he didn't stop.

After a while of brooding, my eyes drifted shut and I became dead to the world, my head on my paws.


Perri's POV


It had only been an hour since I'd been in heat, and I was practically dying. The only thing I could think of that could make me better was Aiden. Just imagine the things we would do...imagine running my hands over his-

Okay, that's enough from you, wolf.

Hey, that was all you, sweetie.

No it sure as hell wasn't! I'm not a slut like you!

But I am you.

That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Is it just me, or are you really stupid?

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