23 | somethings not right

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"Something bad is 'bout to happen to me" - Dark Red by Steve Lacy

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"Something bad is 'bout to happen to me" - Dark Red by Steve Lacy


— AFTER EXPLAINING TO JAMES what Paul had said she began to get ready to head to the ministry. "I'll come with you" James insisted but Isabella immediately shook her head. "No, you need to stay with Harry, if they're really has been death eater sighting it's best for you to be by his side. I'll be fine" Isabella explained quietly so that Harry couldn't hear. As much as James wanted to go with her he knew that she was right.

"Be safe" He whispered as she walked into his arms, letting him kiss her head. "I'll be back before you know it, save some sweets for me" Isabella joked with a wink before pulling away from James and apparating to her office. When her feet landed safely on the ground she looked around her to see Paul talking with Sirius and Moody. "Ah you're here" Paul smiled slightly. "So, talk to me, what's happening" Isabella sighed, taking a seat next to Paul.

"We've had a panicked phone call from a man who lives near an abandoned building and he told us that he saw a couple of people in dark hooded cloaks but he never thought anything of it as it was Halloween and he thought it was just a bunch of teens heading to the abandoned building to smoke or have a party" Paul began, reciting what he had been told.

"He never thought it was strange until he saw a green glow pouring through his window after he went to bed. He got up to check what it was and saw, 'you know who's' mark in the sky" Paul finished. Isabella stared down at her hands solemnly. When she stepped up to be minister for magic this was the last thing she expected to deal with. "Well, we need to make sure the public don't know, we'll only tell them if we for sure know that what he saw was true and if it grows to be an even larger problem. If someone sees it again, we'll set the record straight and tell them" Isabella decided.

"We've sent some aurors to check the place out, they should be back soon" Moody explained whilst he looked at the clock on the wall. "Where's James?" Sirius asked, wondering why he wasn't with her. "I told him to stay with Harry, if there really is movement of death eaters, he needs to be with him just in case" Isabella informed him.

The group of four sat in silence for a while, not feeling much like talking given the circumstances. After around forty-five minutes, the aurors Moody had sent to check out the place came into Isabella's office. "Well? Did you find anything?" Moody questioned the men. "Nothing sir" The taller one told Moody. "The old man was probably seeing things" The small one said making Moody nod.

"Maybe he was drunk or on drugs" Moody grumbled, angry that his time had been wasted. "Well that's good news" Paul sighed, nudging Isabella lightly heartedly. "Yeah" Isabella said absentmindedly as she stared at the two men. She watched as they fidgeted with their hands, clearly feeling her curious gaze on them. "You're free to go" Moody told the men who nodded and made their way out of the room, Isabella's eyes following them until the very last moment.

"False call, good job it is, that would've caused a lot of problems" Moody said as he got up from his seat, telling them he'd see them tomorrow before departing. Next to leave was Paul not long after Moody so then it was just Isabella and Sirius. "You okay Bella? You seem a bit out of it" Sirius asked, he noticed she'd been acting on edge since the aurors left. "Somethings not right Sirius" Isabella sighed making him look at her confusedly. "What do you mean" He questioned.

"It doesn't make sense, you can't make something like that up no matter how drunk a person may be" Isabella began, rubbing her hands together to try and calm herself down. "And those aurors, they were acting strange, they weren't making eye contact with anyone, not even Moody. They were fidgety whenever I looked at them. And how long were they away for, half an hour? it just doesn't add up" Isabella explained, shaking her head.

"Now that you mention it Bella, I see what you mean, they two are usually at the top of their game. They always stand strongly and earlier they were kind of hunched over" Sirius nodded but Isabella stayed silent for a moment or two. "I want to check it out myself" Isabella decided making Sirius' eyes widen. "Bella, it could be dangerous" Sirius insisted but Isabella ignored him.

"Sirius, I'm not having my people be in danger. When I took this place as minister of magic I swore to protect the wizarding community and that's what I'll do" Isabella said strongly. "Well you can't go alone" He sighed, running his hands over his face. "I'll go with you" He decided. "But.." Isabella tried but was cut off by Sirius. "No buts Isabella. I'm going with you, otherwise James will kill me" Sirius said as he stood up.

"Are you going to tell him what you... we're doing?" Sirius asked as they both put on their jackets and grabbed their coats. "No because then he'd never let me go" Isabella explained, walking over to Sirius after checking on Paul's notebook where the man had called from and what his name was. "I'm definitely not telling moony" Sirius agreed, taking Isabella's hand. They decided that apparating there was the quickest option for them.

Soon enough their feet landed on an old dirt road in the woods. "That must be where the man lives" Isabella told Sirius, pointing over at an old cottage at the edge of a small hill. They both walked towards the cottage, Sirius made sure it's stick by Isabella's side like glue, if anything happened to her James would have him strung up.

Isabella knocked on the door, pushing down the uneasy feeling as she listened to the creaking of the trees above them. They could here movement from behind the door before it finally cracked open, the chain keeping them from coming in if they were intruders. "Mr Adams, I'm Isabella Love, the minister of magic. We sent some people round earlier but I just wanted to check for myself. I promise we're not here to harm you" Isabella spoke gently to ease the elder.

The man stared at her for a moment before the man opened the door for them. He gestured for them to come in. They looked at each other before cautiously walking in. He led them through to kitchen and Isabella was beginning to regret entering this man's house. She looked up at Sirius who stood next to her who shared her look of regret. He took her hand in his and have it a small comforting squeeze. They might have just walked into danger like idiots but they had each other.

The man's house was dark and drab and the only form of light was a few candles scattered around and the moonlight pouring through the windows. "Would you like a cup of tea?" The man finally asked. "Oh it's quite alright sir" Sirius laughed nervously but the man insisted. Isabella and Sirius looked at each other hopelessly before finally accepting the man's tea. "Would you like telling us what you saw earlier Mr Adams" Isabella asked as she took the mug from him.

"His mark. In the sky, right there" he said simply, pointing out of his window into the night sky. Isabella wrapped her hands around the mug as she took a small sip. Looking over at Sirius in distaste when she realised it was rather cold. He shared her discomfort at the taste.

The man explained a bit further what he saw but Isabella ended up tuning out after a while. She placed a hand on her head and closer her eyes, feeling a bit dizzy. When she opened them again everything was swaying and she felt her eyes growing heavier. Through her eyelashes she looked at Sirius who seemed to be feeling the same as her. He had stood up and was swaying around.

When Isabella went to stand up she fell to the ground. As her eyes fluttered, fighting to stay open she heard the man whisper something to her. "I'm sorry, they made me do it" Was all he said. Isabella weakly looked over at Sirius who was knocked out cold but one of his hands was reaching over to her, he had obviously been trying to get to her before the darkness enveloped him.

As she fought back tears, she turned her head towards where she heard a noise. Through the front door walked a couple of men in hooded cloaks.

That was the last thing she saw before things went black.


things seem to be falling apart guys!

what do you think is going to happen to sirius and bella?

lots of love
grace :)

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