On The Fence

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On The Fence.

"One bunny ear goes
around the other
bunny ear"

BECKETT DIDN'T QUITE UNDERSTAND why she didn't inherit the same Hunter genes everyone else in her family seemed to have. Rebellious, off their rocker, and really good at getting dates. For some reason, none of these things came naturally to her, and although some might see a few of those qualities as curses, she felt a strong desire to blend in.

It was a common mistake for those who didn't know the girl very well to assume she taught Shawn everything he knew, when in reality she had no idea what she was doing. Ever.

Boys never noticed her, and teachers always seemed shocked when the first assignments of the year came back to her with As. She wasn't sure if she was offended or not, being too worried about something else to even think about it.

It was her worrying that got her into her current situation in the first place. She was sitting in class one day, unable to focus on her English assignment because of her running thoughts.

Did dad pay the electric bill? What if Shawn forgot his gloves at home? Should I save up for a car?
Oh, shut up. You don't even have a job, how could you save?

And then it hit her. She was an idiot teenager who didn't have a job. Clearly, this would solve all of her problems.

When lunch rolled around, she explained to Jason her dilemma and they quickly began brainstorming ideas. The only problem was that Beck didn't have a lot of experience with.. anything.

"How about the car wash?"

"I can barely do the dishes."

"The Gap?"

"Do I look like a model to you?"

"Yes." Beck ignored that comment and her flushing cheeks.

"How about babysitting.." Eric spoke up from his spot beside Jason. He had that mischievous look on his face that immediately concerned her.

"No. I didn't ask you." Okay, maybe she wasn't as charming as most Hunters' were, but she was blunt like they were. There was always an excuse to be mean to Eric.

"Listen, my diabolical little nemesis-" Eric started with a pointed finger.

"Big words, don't hurt yourself." She countered with a smirk. Eric kicked Jason when he attempted to stifle a laugh.

"Heather and I have a date this weekend and I can't sit for my brother and sister. My mom said I have to find someone or I can't go. Please."

It's a wonder Heather hasn't run for the hills yet.

"Despite the fact I find it incredibly amusing hearing you say please to me, I have no experience with kids and, oh I forgot!" She paused, pretending to remember a crazy fact, "I don't like you."

"I'm not too crazy about you either," Eric rolled his eyes, "but my brother is the same age as Shawn- I mean they're best friends so you won't even have to worry about him. And Morgan.. well, she's super low maintenance for a six year old, ya' know."

"Right." The boy had a point. Shawn could always be found with Cory Matthews, the curly haired, energetic boy who spoke like a tiny lawyer. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad, the girl tried to convince herself.

After a moments hesitation, she sighed, "How much does it pay?"

Jason—and Beck herself— couldn't believe she was actually considering it for a moment. Helping Eric Matthews seemed absolutely impossible for the girl. But, she was desperate.

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