Rave On

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Rave On.

"Reg! Reginald Fairfield!"

AS SENIORS OF JOHN ADAMS Eric wanted him and Beck to do something big. Only a few months before they were cast into the world of adulthood, before they had responsibility. So naturally, the 'something big' was a rave.

Beck felt cool and dangerous as she sneakily put flyers in her peers lockers. Besides the fact that they had no venue, no plan, and no help, it was going to go perfect.


As Beck was finishing her job, she stumbled upon her brother, who was staring off into the distance worriedly.

"Oh great, what's wrong now?" She asked in fear. He scoffed,

"Cory's freaking out about the rave. He's mad he wasn't invited to help out."

Beck looked over to where Cory and Eric were having an intense conversation, which was really just Eric standing there while Cory threw his arms around like he always did.

"I didn't invite you to help either." Beck countered.

"Yeah, well thanks." He said, sarcastically.

"For once we could do something together, the two of us, the Matthews brothers!" Cory was persuading as the girl walked up. She put a hand on his shoulder,

"So, I'm told you heard about our rave."

"Oh, of course you involve her!" Cory huffed, throwing his hands up.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked, not seeing the tense look between the brothers.

"Something. Nothing. Never mind," Cory sputtered out, "Eric, c'mon. It's not too late to kick her out and put me in."

Beckett frowned, "I already handed out flyers and made a—" She went to point to the banner she had hung up, only to see it had been, of course, taken down, "A sign."

"Feeny." Cory muttered, turning back to his brother, "If I was on your side, I wouldn't let that happen." He ignored the girl's glare, "Think of how proud mom and dad would be."

"Hey, they can never know about this party," Eric warned.

Cory shrugged nonchalantly, "Oh, and who would they hear it from." He winked.

Eric and Beck shared a look. Eric winced. Beckett shook her head and nodded towards her own brother, who looked annoyed he wasn't involved. Eric shrugged. Finally, Beck sighed and gestured forward. Cory watched this interaction with curiosity. How did they just have a whole conversation without saying anything?

"Alright, you're in." Eric sighed.


"Not a word to anybody." Beck sent Cory a threatening look.

Cory agreed, but as Shawn popped up, he immediately began to blab, prompting his brother to wrap a hand around his mouth.

"Ah, no use. He already knows." Beck admitted. Both Eric and Cory turned to her with disbelieving looks, "So, I'm a hypocrite."


Wyatt was currently blasting pop songs on his stereo as Beckett walked around her room, modeling different outfits for him. They were calling it 'Rave-a-palooza', a name that definitely needed work.

"How about this?" She asked, wearing a bright yellow sundress, her fourth outfit she'd tried on.

Wyatt cringed, "Not your color... or anyone's."

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