Killer Bee

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Killer Bee.

"Guess who just scored
tickets to Aerosmith?"

AFTER BABYSITTING FOR a few months, plus picking up a few shift downtown at an ice cream parlor, Beckett Hunter had finally gotten tickets for the Aerosmith concert.

She was a major fan of Aerosmith, always had been. One of her earliest childhood memories was sitting in the back of her dads pick up truck, hearing Sweet Emotion for the first time. It was one of the only times her and her dad had truly bonded on something.

And usually, Beck didn't like spending money on herself, used to the minimalist life she grew up with, but she couldn't pass up on this opportunity. Besides.. one of her tickets was for Jason (who's birthday was today!) so it wasn't like it was just for her.. right?

The thought made her anxious.

She walked down the halls of John Adams High School, firmly holding a grip on the envelope holding her two Aerosmith tickets. He's going to be so excited!

She found Jason at his locker, copying last minute homework answers down before 1st period. Luckily, Eric wasn't in sight. She was glad of it too, mostly because she didn't want to make him feel bad that he wasn't invited. She didn't like him, but she wasn't that mean.

She slowly crept behind the boy, and put a hand over his eyes, making his pencil stop moving. She couldn't help but notice how warm his face was. "Guess who?"

Jason chuckled, "Miss America, I hope?"

Beck rolled her eyes and hit his shoulder. "No, unfortunately not." She brought him into a tight hug when he turned. She pulled him back and look at his beaming face, "Happy birthday!"

"Thank you, Becky." She scanned his face, noticing the dark circles under his eyes and frowned.

"Are you alright?"

The boy nodded, rubbing a hand over his face, "yeah, I think I'm coming down with a cold, but I'll be fine!"

Beck, unconvinced, hoping his birthday wouldn't be ruined by a cold. Eventually, she nodded. The boy smiled again, his eyes flickering down to the envelope in her hand. She perked up at that and held it up for him to see.

"It's for you," she grinned, "the birthday boy."

Jason quirked an eyebrow and took the envelope, carefully opening it on the seam. He was always so neat like that.

He pulled out the two pieces of paper, scanned them, and then let out a happy gasp, "Beckett, no way! You scored Aerosmith tickets??l

He pulled her into a tight hug, his arms snaking their way around her waist. Her feet left the floor momentarily and she laughed.

"This is the best gift ever, seriously thank you, Becky." He muttered into her shoulder. When he leaned back, the smile hadn't left his face, "I'm assuming the other ticket will be for you?"

Beckett blushed, "if that's okay?"

Jason rolled his eyes, "Of course, dummy. You're my favorite person."

"Oh.. thank you."

Her face darkened, so she hide it by turning the other way to absurdly look around the hallways like she was busy. Nothing out of the ordinary, just people looking over books, talking with friends, and of course couples making out.

Her eyes widened and she felt her face— if even possible— get even warmer. An impossible idea came to her mind. Was this.. a date? No way. No!

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