Dangerous Secret

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DISCLAIMER! this chapter includes talk of child abuse. Though I'm sure you've all seen the episode, I wanted to leave a warning anyways. Read with caution, your health comes first!

Dangerous Secret.

"You don't have to say anything"

BECKETT BELIEVED THAT MATERNAL instincts were imbedded in her from the moment she went from 'my child' to 'my first child'. Maybe even earlier. It was possible that she had been born with it, but she didn't know where it came from. Her mother had never been exceptionally good at her title, but maybe that was the whole point. Her natural instinct was a manifestation of her childhood grief. An urge to protect those like she wished she had been.

She rubbed her eyes, and checked the clock on her nightstand. It was only 7:30pm, and here she was trying to sleep before a big statistics test tomorrow morning, to no avail. It was all she could do to calm her nerves instead of overstudy. She was more so angry anyone in their right mind would schedule a test on a Friday morning. How unbelievably rude!

Her eyes drifted over to her dresser, where Strudel the goldfish was swimming happily, blissfully unaware of the world around him. She was surprised he had made it through the month, but like it was said earlier, she was good at taking care of things. She really loved the little guy, even though he was a good reminder of Eric.

She didn't wanna think too much about their friendship. The past few weeks had been hard for her to get over the whole dating show fiasco. She didn't know how to act normal around him anymore, and he seemed to be noticing.

She groaned at the thought and flipped over. She cuddled back into her comforter, the room colder now that it was early November. It was quiet and dark in the room, but she could hear the distant laughter in the hallway. What college kid was trying to sleep at 7:30? Amaya was out with Rachel, and she had respectfully declined the invitation. Maybe she was getting old.

Just as her running thoughts were coming to a halt, her phone rang. Per usual. She, out of annoyance, ripped her comforter off her and reached for the phone on her nightstand.

"Hello?" She asked irritably, the chill of her floor hitting her bare feet. She shivered, but because of the tone of voice, rather then the cold.

"Are you busy right now?" It was Shawn, who held an unusual waver in his voice, "I could really use some help."

She held back a sigh, and simply ran a hand over her face. He was staying home alone for the weekend while their parents were at gambling convention— yes, who knew that was a thing?— and she had told him to call her if there were any problems. She didn't expect him to actually call.. but she could never say no to him.

"What's wrong?" She asked, the phone in the crook of her neck. She slipped open her dresser and pulled out a pair of socks, prepared to leave the instant he told her some end of the world scenario.

"Well.. I.." He hesitated.

"What, Shawn? I can't help if you don't tell me." She felt like a stressed parent, and had to keep reminding herself she wasn't.

"There's a girl— and she— well she's here with me—uh, Claire." He stuttered along, making zero sense.

Beckett rubbed at her eyes again, "Why are you alone with a girl while mom and dad are out of town?"

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