Hair Today, Goon Tomorrow

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Hair Today, Goon Tomorrow.

"Hello, bye-bye, I'm so at the mall!"

IT WAS ONLY THREE WEEKS into school and Beckett was already in desperate need of a break from the work load. Her and Amaya were laying on the floor, their work scattered about them and the heat of the room sticking to them like mud. They kept the university at a stifling heat and both girls felt like they were going crazy.

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds By The Beatles was playing in the background, which, despite the song being great, almost made things worse considering the entire Sgt. Pepper's album felt like a bad trip. Beck, laying on her back, blinked stiffly,

"I'm gonna throw up."

Amaya scoffed, "Please don't. You're so dramatic."

Three weeks and she already knew her so well.

Beckett shrugged, "I get that a lot."

"I bet you do," The other girl muttered, just as a loud, frantic knock hit the door. The girl's shared a look, and after a dramatic groan from Beckett, she got up to answer.

When the door swung open, she was shocked to see a panicked looking Topanga, holding a clump of hair.


"Help!" Topanga cried, shaking the fist full of hair.

"No, this is Sgt. Pepper's." Amaya joked, though her smile dropped when she saw the younger girl, "Your friends are really weird."

Topanga brushed past Beck to get into the room, and as she watched her go, she finally saw where the hair had come from. Her long hair had been chopped unevenly, and for some reason she hadn't thrown away the evidence.

"Oh dear." Beckett said nervously, "What happened?"

"I was trying to prove a point to Cory about how physical appearance is secondary to inner beauty."

This was classic Topanga.

"Well you succeeded," Amaya shrugged, then added, "Who are you?"

"Topanga." The girl moped.

"Bless you?"

"No! Her name is Topanga," Beckett laughed, "She's my brother's best friend's girlfriend."

She felt weird about calling Topanga her friend. They didn't really know each other that well, despite being around each other often enough. It was odd to think about, considering the girl was currently in her dorm crying.

"So why are you here again?" Beck asked, grimacing slightly at her wording. She wasn't mad about the girl's presence, just confused.

"Well you've always been so pretty and perfect and look at your hair!" Topanga hysterically complimented, making Beck blush.

Perfect. That was definitely not the term she would use to describe herself. She looked over to the standing mirror in the corner of the room, observing her own hair. It was only a bit shorter then Topanga's original length, a darker brown then her entire family, and frizzled waves from the heat. Beckett definitely didn't deem it—or herself—perfect. Her bangs were getting into her eyes these days and the thickness of the hair was proving to be extremely irritating in the heat of the dorm.

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