Turkey Day

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Turkey Day.

"There is always room
for more at our table."

BECKETT'S 19TH BIRTHDAY was November 28th, which happened to be the day Thanksgiving landed on this year. It had happened a few times in her life, and though she was never that thrilled to share her birthday with a holiday, she didn't hate it either, especially this year.

Her family was all back together again, and although she didn't know for how long, she was glad it was happening at all. Her relationship with her mother was still rocky, but she could sense the slow incline between them.

Thanksgiving was always laid back with the Hunters. Their family was huge, but this holiday was saved for just the four of them. The best part was when Shawn won the prize for giving the most to the food bank—They gave cans, the food bank gave the cans back to them, and then they repeated the cycle every year. It was fool proof— and they were blessed with the best thanksgiving day food, which was stuffing.

That was until Cory decided he wanted the stuffing too. And when they couldn't decide who got it? Well, when two idiots come together....

"Do I look delighted?" Chet Hunter asked his son, his face showing quite the opposite.

"Shawn, I'm the birthday girl. I'm saying no. No!" Beckett complained, her arms crossed against her chest.

Shawn and Cory had decided to plan the first ever 'Hunter-Matthews Thanksgiving', which made the girl want to faint dramatically and not wake up until after the day was already over.

She couldn't handle Eric being inside her home. It was small, informal, and she was, quite frankly, embarrassed by it. He had asked about coming over before, but she had never allowed it. They always hung out at his house. That's how it had always been.

Shawn was trying to ruin that!

"Oh, come on," Shawn urged, "Why can't we all spend Thanksgiving together?"

"Because it is unnatural to mix the classes, son." Chet pointed out, "You're tampering with the primal force of nature here."

Virna stood from her spot at the kitchen table, a tense smile on her face, "Why? I think getting together with the Matthews is a wonderful idea."

"Have you been drinking?" Chet squinted.

"I don't see anything wrong about having contact with a better class of people," She straightened her shoulders, "Besides, I wanna see this boy Becky's always hanging around."

"Mom!" Beckett shrieked, her face tinting red, "I'm not always hanging around him."

"Where's Beckett? 'Oh, hanging out with Eric', Who's house are you going to tonight? 'Eric's'," Virna mocked previous conversations, which definitely never happened, "I just wanna know my baby's life."

Beckett resisted the urge to say something mean in response, maybe 'You never cared before' but refrained.

"Oh, who cares," Chet waved his hands, "Can we backpedal for a second? Better? Now I get it. You're a social climber!"

He waggled his finger at his wife, and Shawn suddenly looked uncomfortable between the bickering couple. Some things never changed.

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