You Can Go Home Again

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You Can Go Home Again.

"Oh, he's totally dead!"

AUGUST 23rd, 1996


I'm currently on my way to Pennbrook as I'm writing this, and I'm going to literally throw up. I haven't talked to anyone that isn't Shawn or my father in two months, and I swear I'm going crazy. If I have a southern twang the next time I see you, blame Chet Hunter.

By the time you get this, you'll be in sunny California! I hope it's going well, and I miss you a lot. Alright, now that that's out of the way, I'm going to complain. You know, since I can't tell you in person.

Eric Matthews is an idiot! Why I stopped saying that, I'll never know, because today he proved that to me. He promised he'd help me move in, and guess what he didn't do? Exactly that.

Technically, I haven't moved in yet. But we stopped back home to check in on the Matthews, Topanga, and your parents, and him and Cory weren't there. Alan said he was supposed to be home last night, but something stopped them. Who knows where they are!

I don't even have a number to call him! And he knew I'd be back in town, so why didn't he at least give me a head's up?

I am going to kick him all the way to Mars, I swear it! The violent urges are coming out.

Also, in case some government persona illegally reads my mail, I'm joking. Kind of.

Love you Wy guy!


Beck looked up from her note at the sound of her brother laughing. She watched from the back seat as Shawn and Chet talked about some obscure topic, a warm smile coming to her face.

It had been a long summer. So much so, that she had gotten a journal at some dollar store in Missouri. It was difficult being a teenage girl on the road with her brother and father. It got lonely at times, but she didn't quite mind it now that she had a place to empty her thoughts into.

The first five pages had been a rant about her newfound crush on Eric Matthews, but once she had settled into the thoughts, the rest had been about college, her favorite things, and random to do lists.

She was really hoping no one would get their hands on it though, because it also involved some pretty incriminating stuff, including details of her and Chet's secret.

AKA, the Jack Hunter and Co. college tuition plan. One night, in the middle of Texas, when Shawn was, stereotypically, riding a mechanical bull at the restaurant they were in, Beckett finally got the courage to confront her father about the letter she had received so long ago.

He had gotten quiet for a bit, before confessing that he had been the one to initially reach out. It was extremely embarrassing to think about. She hated pity and she hated charity. But at the same time? She really wanted to go to school. And it was touching that her father had even thought ahead for her.

And so Chet let her in on the secret. He had been calling with Jeffrey, Jack's step father for a few months while on the road. And they were officially going to be paying for her college tuition, and Shawn's once it was his turn. Talk about rich!

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