I Never Sang For My Legal Guardian

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DISCLAIMER! this chapter includes talk of panic attacks and anxiety. Read with caution, your health comes first!

I Never Sang For My Legal Guardian.

"It's like I'm always watching my back."

EIGHTEEN WAS A SAD AGE. At least that's what Beck had decided for herself. Her birthday had happened all the way last fall, and she was only feeling it's effects now. Those weird, nervous feelings she got during school were becoming more frequent, conveniently the closer her senior year came to ending. 

She hadn't told Turner about it, but she had a feeling something was wrong with her. She decided she would maybe need to go to the doctor, but how could she afford that? It was a troubling spot. But it wasn't even her number one worry.

She felt like her and her brother were slowly losing proximity. He was worried about things in his own life, and so was she. They were two different sides of the spectrum, one waiting to be released from this hell, and one waiting to be thrown into its arms.

Shawn was still a kid in Beckett's eyes. He had a whole lifetime to figure things out, to let new people into his life to take care of him. Beck had been taking care of herself and him since she was ten. But now that she was eighteen? She was expected to go off and leave him.

She had always wanted to, selfishly, leave her home and find herself a new life, but now that she was close to that day, she didn't feel that was fair. Their brother had left them, and so had their parents. Who was she to up and abandon him too?

She had recently eavesdropped on a conversation between Jon and Eli about her father. He had sent over guardianship forms months ago, but Jonathan hadn't bothered to inform her or Shawn. That meant her father had given up. He wasn't even trying anymore.

The papers meant nothing to Beck. At least for herself. She was a legal adult now, she didn't need a guardian. She could claim herself an orphan if she truly wanted. That's what she felt like.

But Shawn? This was important for him. She knew how much he looked up to Turner. She had seen it. But he wasn't their dad, and he wasn't family. She was family.

Maybe it was time for her to do something about it.

Turner told her and Shawn it was time for them to move apartments. It wasn't something either of them wanted, especially Shawn. He wasn't stupid, he knew Beck would be leaving no matter what, so he wanted this to be perfect.

He had been complaining the whole way home from looking at apartments, which in turn, put Beck into an extremely bad mood.

"I'm just saying I didn't like any of the apartments we saw!" Shawn shrugged.

Beck rolled her eyes as Turner huffed, "Be specific!"

"Ok! The first one. Absolutely no furniture."

"Shawn, it was an unfurnished apartment!" Beck spat from the couch, "We'd take the stuff from here and move it into there."

"Thank you, Beck." Turner sighed, "At least someone liked it."

"Oh I didn't like it," Beck disagreed, picking at the skin around her nails, "I just wanted to correct my idiotic brother!"

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