Chick Like Me

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   CHAPTER 4.12
Chick Like Me

  "For every girl I've ever known!"

ERIC WAS WATCHING BECKETT CLOSELY, his eyes narrowed. He was supposed to be sticking 20% off stickers on various pairs of socks, but instead he watched as his best friend sat on the counter, her legs crossed and eyebrows furrowed in concentration. She was reading a letter, though from who he didn't know.

He had been watching her a lot closer these days. Not in the creepy way you're thinking, but in a fascinated and extremely curious way. There was something different about her. He hadn't been able to put a pin in it just yet, but he had a feeling he was close.

Beckett looked at him out of the corner of her eye, and huffed. She had noticed Eric was watching her. She rolled her eyes, and lowered the piece of paper she had been examining,


His tunnel vision suddenly disappeared, and now he only looked awkward. He quickly recovered with a huff of his own,

"Do you really need to be sitting on the counter?" He asked her, gesturing to her current position. She looked around, and shrugged. The Wilderness Outpost wasn't very busy, and Alan wasn't even in today, meaning she had no care in the world.

She was technically supposed to be working for the upcoming weekend, seeing as her Friday classes ended early today, but the paper—a letter— was much more important to her, Eric could tell.

"Im reading." She wiggled the letter, "And this benefits you too."

"And how's that?"

"Let me get to the end, and I'll let you know." She sassily retorted, and stuck her head back down. Eric shook his own, and turned his back to her so he wouldn't keep staring.

What is different? What, what, what.

"Do you want to go to California?" Her loud, sarcastic voice she always used spoke up after a few minutes, and he straightened.


"No, idiot," She giggled, which made the corner of his lips upturn, "In May."

"Say no more." He agreed, before gesturing for the letter. She wasn't very private with these sort of things, and assumed she wouldn't mind. Of course, he was right, and she handed it right over.

He recognized the handwriting immediately, and nodded to himself.

Dear my lovely wife,

Just kidding, you're not my type! Anyways, I was writing to let you know that I haven't gotten a letter from you since New Years. How unbelievably rude of you! And I know you've said you prefer phone calls, but I don't care. Write me goddammit!

Okay, I'm not actually mad, but, I've decided that we've been losing contact, and I can't handle that. In late May I have a weekend before exams that I'm free, and I was wondering if you'd come hang out? You can bring along whoever you want, but it would be the perfect time to spend by the beach and get some tanning!

Let me know,

Wyatt (AKA Big W, Wy Guy, you're favorite, Wy-Dog)

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