B and B's B 'N B

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   CHAPTER 4.11
B and B's B 'N B

"Can't things just
stay the way they are?"

BECKETT HAD ONLY BEEN ON A PLANE once in her life. When she was nine years old her dad had a brief job—as most of them were— where he delivered Colgate toothpaste across country on a cargo plane. He didn't fly the plane, but he sat in the back and held on for dear life, seatbelts no where in sight.

Beck and Shawn accompanied him for one ride, a short flight over New York City and back within the day. Like previously mentioned, there were no seat belts, so two small children clung to each other as turbulence shook them and created flips in their stomachs.

Now, about ten years later, she was readying herself to go on a flight to Boston for a camping convention, and she could already feel the same flips she felt back then resurfacing. She was nervous for a multitude of reasons.

1. This flight was a whole twenty minutes longer then the flight to New York. That was a lot more air time then she preferred.

2. She wasn't as business savvy as Alan Matthews thought her to be. She was going to represent the Wilderness Outpost at this convention, to help extend their reach as a company and learn about camping products and opportunities from other organizations. She didn't know crap about that! She was nineteen for Christ's sake!

3. Her co-representative was Eric. She didn't know if she was nervous because Alan wasn't going, and somehow entrusted dumb and dumber to represent his business without him, or because her and Eric were going to be alone for the weekend.

She mulled this over as she knocked on the front door to the Matthews, an overnight bag slung over her shoulder. She, as a slightly obsessive person, spent multiple nights thinking of the way Eric seemed to have leaned into her the night of his one man play. Like he was going to kiss her.

During that time she came to the conclusion that he hadn't done that at all, she was seeing things, and she was going to believe that until something convinced her otherwise.

Eric opened the door with an already wide smile, and moved aside to let her in. His bag was open and resting on the couch, and he looked flushed.

"I'll be right back!" He rushed out, and then bolted up the stairs. Classic Eric, always doing things at the last minute. She decided he looked very nice when he was out of breath.

She shook her head and walked into the kitchen, where Amy was busying herself in already. She looked quite adorable in her white long sleeve and overalls, and she shot Beckett a smile.

"You ready to go?" She asked, running a hand through her short hair.

Beckett nodded, "Yep and we've got about..." She checked her watch, and her eyes went round, "Uh, negative two minutes until we've got to leave."

"Guys, get a move on!" Amy yelled to upstairs, "Eric and Beck are gonna miss their flight."

Eric and Alan came down the stairs as if on cue, the younger boy holding a second, smaller bag in his grip.

"Okay, kids." Alan started sternly, "You're going to Boston for the camping show. Now, I don't want to hear from any of the suppliers that you missed meetings because you were at the hotel bar dancing on tables."

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