Pairing off

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Pairing Off.

"Oh hey, it's wifey."

THERE WAS SOMETHING in the air at John Adams High School. It was only early October, and people were already beginning to pair off. It was a strange occurrence, considering this usually happened in the spring. That whole birds and the bees thing.

Beckett had a nervous sweat in her palms and she made her way to her third hour class, encountering multiple new couples making out in the hallways and holding hands. It was disgusting. But at the same time? She almost felt left out. Almost.

Ever since the little incident with Jason last year, something had shifted not only between the two of them, but inside Beck. She felt more grown up in a way, feeling like she understood boys and what made them tick. Of course, she didn't, but it was nice to pretend for a while.

She had buried those confused feelings over the summer, though it was difficult having to see him everywhere. At Eric's house, at the park, in his room.

In his room?

There was something weird going on with her, but she couldn't figure it out. She saw Mikey Peterson and Addie Donaldson kissing by the gym the other day and her mind has wandered to her almost kiss. And Jason's face.

And that had happened multiple times this week.

She shivered at the horrible thoughts invading her brain and entered her class. She sat down at her lab table next to her partner, Daniel, who was already doodling something down in his notebook.

"Hey, Beckett." He said passively, his eyes not leaving his work. She hummed a distracted reply.

Daniel was a senior on the football team, something Beckett didn't know much about or care. He had bright blonde hair and sky blue eyes, along with a blinding smile that annoyed her. He was a bit dumb too, unfortunate for her grade. She ended up doing most of the work.

"You seem upset." He looked at her with curious eyes. Not a thought behind them.

"I'm fine." She said defensively, ripping her notebook out of her bag, "I just don't get what's got everyone so.. weird for."

"What do you mean?"

"The constant kissing and hand holding and intense PDA that I really don't want to see." She complained like it was obvious. She looked at Daniel, expecting him to be equally disgusted, but he only smiled.

"Oh hell yeah. Did you see MaryAnn Warner and—"

"Yes!" Beckett shrieked, earning a glare from another lab table. "Oh my god, there was so much spit, it was horrifying."

Daniel was quiet for a moment, before he seemed to realize something and laughed, "You're only saying that because you don't have it."

"Have what?"

"A boyfriend."

Beckett rolled her eyes, "Who cares! I don't need a boyfriend."

"Well, have you ever had one?" Daniel pressed, scooting closer ever so slightly.

Beckett pursed her lips and looked outwardly. She thought hard. No. "Yes."

Daniel rolled his eyes and leaned back, "Are you single now?"

"Well.. yeah."

He blinked harshly, "So, are you like.. free Saturday night?"

What the hell.

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