Santa's Little Helper

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Santa's Little Helper.

"Just giving my Christmas wishes!"

CHRISTMAS WAS ALWAYS an interesting time for the Hunter household. They definitely weren't the richest family in Philly. Their Christmas morning usually consisted of one or two gifts each, and KFC takeout on paper plates for dinner. But, for Beckett, she truly didn't mind, she loved KFC! All she cared about was being able to spend one night with her family, all together.

This year, however, was slightly different. Chet Hunter had unfortunately gotten laid off a few weeks prior and the family was struggling more than usual. There would be no gifts this year. It happened so quickly. After the Aerosmith tickets, and paying for the groceries the last few weeks, Beckett didn't have enough money to buy presents herself.

She wanted to be okay with this, but it was eating her up. She didn't care about herself, or even her parents. She cared about Shawn and his childhood. She promised herself this Christmas season would be good for him, no matter what.

With that being said, she was spending almost too much time not at home. Her mother always got stressed during the holidays and she couldn't stand being around when she inevitably broke down and yelled at everyone in her sight. So, she ended up going to Jason's after school everyday to study, or play basketball, or even shovel the Marsdens' driveway if it meant she didn't have to be home.

Jason didn't mind, of course, loving the way she came to his locker each day with a sweet smile, asking to come over. How could he say no?

Everything was comfortable, and she was able to forget about the stress of her everyday life. That was, until the Christmas Eve.

She was sitting on Jason's bed, still wearing her coat and shoes, shivering. She had come in through the window, as he was only on the first floor. His parents didn't mind her being over, she just thought it was more adventurous this way. Plus, it would have taken an extra thirty seconds to get to the front door, which would mean she had to spend more time in the freezing Philadelphia air.

She was watching him delicately put a Mazzy Star record on. She fidgeted with the thread on her coats arm. Her mother had fixed a hole there and she felt it was too obvious, but no one could really see.

Bells Ring was currently playing softly as Jason sat beside her, "This is totally Christmas-y, right?" He asked with a sarcastic smirk, making the girl beside him give a breathy laugh.

"Mm-hm, totally." She nodded. The thread pulled loose and she tried to ignore it.

"So.. Christmas is in three days," He mentioned nonchalantly, his eyes flickering to his closet. Beckett felt her heart drop. She knew the moment would come when he would mention the dreaded holiday and she would have to tell him I couldn't afford it this year, I'm sorry.

"Right.." She said instead. Her mouth felt dry.

"I have a present for you-" He saw her tense, "Beck! It's okay, you don't have to give me anything." She shook her head, embarrassed, but he grabbed ahold of each side of her arms, "I'm serious. I just wanted to give you something to show my appreciation. I mean you got me Aerosmith for my birthday."

"Yeah, but you were sick, you didn't even get to go."

"Who cares! It's the thought that counts. Besides.."

She looked up so her eyes met his, "Besides?"

"Having your presence in my life is a gift itself." He shrugged. Beck wanted to give a rebuttal but it stopped her in her tracks. Hm.

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