She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not

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She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not.

"I don't want to be a role model."

A SCOWL RESTED ON BECKETT'S face as she entered her old middle school, Eric Matthews at her side. The two of them had been chosen (god knows why!) to speak to a group of middle schoolers about high school, since they'd be entering it the following year.

She was less then thrilled.

Not only did she have to do it with her mortal enemy, she would have to stand in front of a group of kids doing it! They wouldn't listen to her, she knew she didn't when she was their age.

"I think it's this way." Eric murmured to her, looking down at a piece of paper showing them the room number. Beckett didn't say anything, only wandered after him begrudgingly.

Once they found the room number, they flung the door open to reveal a very interesting classroom.

"Eric?" Cory said in disgust from his desk.


"Beckett!" Shawn called, much more enthusiastically.


"Mr. Matthews? Miss Hunter?"

"Mr. Feeny?" Both the teens said in unison.

Oh dear.

The two walked up to the front, an awkward silence over the room. It was weird having kids stare at you like you were some cool, older person. Well I am, but that's besides the point.

"I thought the school said they were sending over good students." Feeny sighed.

Beckett gawked at his rudeness.

"You see, the problem with the smart kids is they all have goals to pursue. We're just looking to get out of geometry." Eric smiled. Beckett rolled her eyes,

"They asked me to come. I'm a great student, for your information.." She faltered at Feeny's disbelieving stare, "Okay, I have a B in geometry.." He squinted, "C-! And that's as low as I'm going."

"Proceed." Feeny said, now satisfied with her answer. He sat down and the teens looked to each other to see who would go first. They hadn't really planned anything out.

She gestured to him, hoping he would say something, anything intelligent.

"Hi, kids, I'm Eric, this is Beck. We're 10th graders at John Adams High, the school you'll all be going to next year!"

"At least all of us who pass.." Minkus snarked, his eyes drawing over to Shawn. Beckett wanted to berate him but knew she'd probably embarrass the boy. Well, that was until he said,

"Hey, Minkus. Pass this," and gave an armpit fart. He was embarrassing enough. She shook her head at him as the class laughed.

"Please, class, give your attention to Mr. Matthews and Miss hunter."

"Matthews?" A girl in the front row with big hair asked in astonishment. She was a cute, interestingly dressed girl. This could only be Topanga. Beck had heard a little about her.

"Oh yeah, I'm Cory's older brother, I got the good hair."

"And I'm Shawn's sister." Beckett butt in, though the girl seemed less than interested. Rude. "Anyways, next year you'll be freshman-"

"Or as we upperclassmen like to call you: phlegm balls." Eric grinned. Beckett shot him a look that said shut up, but he never listened to her. "There's gonna be a few things you'll need to know on the mean streets of high school."

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