Life Lessons

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Life Lessons.

"Ever been to Europe?"

JONATHAN TURNER WAS MANY things, but a scaredy cat was never one of them. Until it came to women, apparently.

Beck watched with a small smirk as her English teacher turned roommate sweat profusely, his knee bouncing as he enacted a terrible, unshakable habit of checking his watch every two minutes.

"Only five more minutes before you leave," Beck quietly taunted as she stared down at her Spanish textbook. The most current dilemma in Beck's never ending list was finals week, something she was incredibly worried about.

In reality, she had already gotten into the schools she wanted, but to her and her overthinking mind, she had a million 'what if' scenarios, including 'what if pennbrook kicks me out if I fail my Spanish exam?', or 'what if I was dreaming about getting accepted into college, and I never did?' (that one made her recheck the mail pile on her desk several times to double and triple check).

"Four minutes." Beck reminded once more as she looked at the preterite vs. imperfect section of her textbook.

"You're really not helping." Turner winced, sending a heavy glare her way. She held her hands up in defense,

"It's a simple double date with the Matthews and Amy's friend from work. Those two wouldn't befriend a psycho, so what's the big deal?"

"I just haven't been on a date in a while.." He shrugged, looking at his watch again, and then the door.

"That's really sad." Beck giggled at him. Turner huffed and gave her a stink eye,

"When's the last time you went on a date?" He paused for a moment as Beck blinked, and he smiled, "Hah! Got you there."

He had a point, Beck hadn't been on a date in what felt like forever. It had been almost a year since her and Jason had broken up, and now she was having really strange and god awful feelings for Eric, so she didn't have time to be going on dates.

"I don't count, I'm a teenage girl." She shrugged, "You on the other hand? You're like 45, you should be married and living in the suburbs by now."

Turner scoffed, "How old do you think I am?"

"45, like I said."

"I'm not even gonna try with you." He shook his head, and checked his watch one more time, "I was supposed to leave a minute ago... y-you know what, I'm just gonna cancel!"

He hopped up from the couch and stumbled to the phone, making Beck's eyes go wide, "You chicken! You can't just cancel on her! Brenda's gonna be heartbroken."

"You see, Beck," Turner explained as he punched in the number, "Adults are way more mature then that. She'll have no issue with the date being canceled."

The phone rang for a moment, and then someone picked up, "Hi, Amy!" His voice dropped, "I, uh.. I'm not feeling so well, I'm gonna have to cancel tonight's date... oh, really? Perfect, we'll reschedule.. oh right.. uh huh... bye now.."

"Do adults lie too?" Beck asked with a small smile, and Turner simply mocked her as he sat beside her.

"Doesn't matter either way," He said simply, "Alan's car broke down on the way home today so they were gonna cancel any way."

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