A Long Walk To Pittsburgh (pt. 1)

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   CHAPTER 4.13
A Long Walk To Pittsburgh
(Pt. 1)

"Beckett Hunter, you're so... annoying!"

SHAWN HAD AN INCREDIBLY anxious look on his face, and considering Beckett was 'Miss Anxiety' herself, that was really saying something. They were sitting in their usual booth at Chubbie's, just the two of them, in silence.

It had been okay for a bit, the two mindlessly chatting and laughing way too loud, earning them dirty looks. When they finally quieted down so Beckett could shove french fries in her mouth, she noticed her little brother twiddling his thumbs and staring down at the table, deep in thought.

"Are you good?" She asked, though with her full mouth, it came out as 'Are youf gooud?'. Shawn looked up at her with a raised eyebrow, slight disgust coating his features,

"Ew." He muttered, shaking his head, "I'm fine."

His sister wiped her mouth, "You don't look fine. Trust me, I know what inner turmoil looks like!"

He sighed deeply and scoured the room for a moment, before turning back to her, "Alright, but you can't tell anyone."

She raised her pinky, allowing him to hook it. Before she could pull away, Shawn gave her a pointed look. She cocked her head,

"I gave you my pinky, did I not? I take those very seriously."

After another pause, he finally broke, "Topanga's moving."

The older girl's eyes went wide, "What? Where? When? Why?"

"She's moving to Pittsburgh in a few days. Mom got a new job." Shawn elaborated, looking crestfallen for his friend.

"But.. what about Cory? What does he say about it?" She asked, raking a hand through her hair. Her heart ached. Topanga was leaving.

"He doesn't know," Shawn admitted, cringing at his sister's disbelieving look, "She hasn't told him yet."

"She's got to!"

"She will, don't worry. I told her that.. she's just scared. Man, Beck, I really don't want her to go." Shawn sighed, his eyes returning back to their spot on the table. Beck rounded to his side and sat beside him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"It'll be okay, Shawnie. Pittsburgh isn't too far.. she can still visit, and I'll even drive you and Cor down there sometime, hm? Besides, you'll be off to college in a few years."

"Not going." He mumbled stubbornly, causing her to roll her eyes. She knew Shawn never planned on going to college, but neither did she a few years ago. It was something he could do if he really wanted to. She wouldn't force him, but she would definitely bestow her older sister wisdom upon him.

But, she'd save that for another day.

"C'mon, let's play some foosball, aye?" She changed the subject, squeezing his arm. He began to protest, but she only yanked him up and out of the booth, "Oh, c'mon, mopey. Beat me in this game like you love doing."

Only a few minutes later, Beck was groaning in annoyance as Shawn beat her, watching as he smiled for the first time that night. It really was worth it. Over his shoulder, she noticed Eric coming down the stairs, his face drawn.

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