Train Of Fools

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Train Of Fools.

"If I stand, I'll throw up."

BECKETT STUBBORNLY CHECKED her makeup in the mirror, a frown etched on her face. It was New Year's Eve (1996!), and although she was usually quite the party-goer, this year felt slightly off. Maybe it was because she didn't have her ex best friend/ ex boyfriend to celebrate with this year, or maybe it was because the 'limo' her uncle was lending to Shawn had actually turned out to be a hearse.

It definitely wasn't the fact that Eric had a date with a super model named Rebecca-Alexa, who was Jason's second cousin, and the fact that he was making Beckett third wheel. Yes making her. She wasn't bothered by that at all.

All he could talk about all of break was the fact that he'd be kissing a beautiful blonde at midnight, which made her gag and roll her eyes every time she thought of it. What was so good about blondes? She thought as she subconsciously raked her hands through her brown hair.

Wyatt and his parents were on another escapade in the mountains for the holidays, like usual. There were no other short cuts, no excuses, no way out.

So, here she was, in a tight red dress, matching gloves, white heels and a white puffer jacket she had borrowed from her Aunt Beatrice. Where was she able to get it? She didn't want to know. She felt a little too dressed up, but a lot of the crowd in Philly did so too, so she didn't think it would be too much of a big deal. That was until she finally made it to the Matthews' home.

Shawn had burst through the door yelling, "C'mon everybody! Let's get crazy!" And Beckett was trailing behind him, a deep sigh exhaling from her nose. "Uncle Laslo and our limo await!"

Beckett cringed in embarrassment as the family crowed to look at the limo, which was, as stated previously, a hearse.

"It's cool." Cory said in awe, despite the disapproval of his parents.

"Wait till you see what's in the backseat..." Shawn murmured, only half joking. You don't wanna know.

Beck shuffled into the house, greeting a well dressed up Eric, who smiled at her, "Nice jacket. Is it new?"

Beck shrugged, "It's from my Aunt Beatrice."

Eric raised an eyebrow, "The one who's favorite movie is 101 Dalmatians?"

Beck's eyes went wide, "Oh god." She quickly pulled it off, revealing the tight dress she was wearing. She heard a strange cough come from the boy in front of her, who quickly covered it up with a point towards the door,

"The hearse is pretty cool!" He spoke raspily. Beck nodded awkwardly,

"I didn't know it would actually be a hearse. I thought he was joking about the whole corpse thing." She winced sheepishly.

"Good thing we have my car." He shrugged, pointing to the little box outside that was on its last life.

"Eric," Alan interrupted as him and Amy recovered from the vehicle outside, "Move that rusty excuse for a car from the driveway."

"Hey, hey, you're talking about my Lucille here!" Eric defended, "Granted she's not the most reliable car, but she gets me where I'm going— there's nothing you can say or do to pull me away from her!"

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