By Hook Or By Crook

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By Hook Or By Crook.

"I wanted to prove to
myself that I
was smart."

BABYSITTING WAS QUITE the money raiser. Beckett was only looking after Morgan a few days a week, if she was lucky, but the Matthews were more than generous. On top of this, she had begun hanging up posters downtown to find more opportunities and it had worked.

Some kids were angels and others the exact opposite, but it honestly didn't matter to Beck, as long as she got money.

She was sprawled out on Jason's bedroom floor, counting bills as her two friends sat on his bed and talked. They were excitedly chittering about their trip to Europe this summer, the last hoorah before senior year. Beck hadn't been able to afford it when they first planned, and didn't think it would happen.

"Think of all the babes!" Eric sighed wistfully. Beck sat up and turned to look at them with a glare.

Jason shook his head nervously, "I didn't say anything, darling!"

She rolled her eyes, "Keep it that way."

Eric clicked his tongue and joined the girl on the floor, his knee gently hitting hers, "How much money you making Becky Bear?"

"Don't call me that." She said absentmindedly as she finished a stack, "This one's got $250."

Jason's eyes went wide, "Holy crap. That's enough to buy like a million chocolate chip granola bars."

"Yeah.. or a third of the Europe trip." Eric nudged her, sending a wink her way. Beck sighed,

"I wish. This wouldn't cover it."

Eric frowned at her crestfallen face and picked up another stack, "You haven't even counted this yet, don't give up hope."

Beck shrugged.

"Plus it's four months away. You still have time." He reassured with a shoulder pat, "We'll help you out, right?" He turned to look at Jason, who was staring at them with an unreadable expression.

"Yeah, of course." He nodded and joined the duo on the floor. The three of them continued counting the money, Beck thankful she had these two.

Yeah, isn't that a sentence.

Eric had been different lately. After she had mistakenly called him 'friend', he had been more genuine and inviting. It was awkward for Beck at first, but she wasn't complaining. Considering her home life, she'd take any comfort she could get, even if she didn't realize it.

Eric Matthews was in her brain, the exciting tingle of having a new friend. Only her subconscious had taken it in, but consciously, she would never admit it, because that was gross.


Two weeks later, Beck was slowly getting more money, and the idea of a trip to Europe seemed almost plausible. She didn't want to get her hopes up too much, but she couldn't help the excited pep in her step she got when Eric and Jason showed her the books they had bought on European backpacking and travel tips.

They went back to the Matthews discussing these, all wondering the difference between American and Italian toilets.

It was an important question.

"Whatcha got there, kiddos?" Amy asked them as they excitedly sat down at the kitchen table, sprawling the books out.

"Books for our summer trip." Eric smiled.

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