Singled Out

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Singled Out.

"No one knows goo-goo eyes like Cory Matthews"

"THERE'S NO WAY..." Beck mumbled to Amaya, who was sitting next to her with a disheveled expression. She couldn't believe it either.

They sat there in a thick, dazed state, wondering how Eric could possibly get more stupid. How he could  hurt Beckett without even knowing it? She was just lucky he had told her over call.

He had reached out to let her know Cory was having his tonsils removed. As if she didn't have enough to stress about. Cory had become just as much a little brother to her as Shawn was, and although it was a routine procedure, she knew he would get worked up over it anyways, because she would, and they were very similar in that way.

Between that, her father getting a job at her old high school as the janitor—Shawn had been bugging her about his embarrassment for days, but eventually came around to the idea— her mother moving back home, and of course, school, she didn't think she could handle anymore stress. Then Eric had dropped the bomb on her.

"What are you going to do?" Amaya grimaced, twisting her hands together like this was somehow her fault.

"Well I can't just... not do anything, right?" Beckett replied, looking to her friend desperately, "Amaya, I know I've never really told you, but Eric is a lot more important to me then I've let on."

The girl narrowed her eyes, "No, really? I would never have guessed."

A furious blush bloomed across the brunette's face, but she hardly had time for jokes, "This whole thing just bothers me. I can handle him going out on dates, I mean it's inevitable. But the whole nation?"

The entire nation. Eric Matthews had signed himself up for a dating show! Where girls, too many girls, would be competing for his attention. Only he would subject himself to this.

Her roommate sighed, sympathetically, but raised an eyebrow anyways, unable to hold back her sarcastic comments, "You're not gonna cry on me, right?"

Beck chuckled lightly, "No, no. You know me."

Crying in front of people had never been her strong suit. When she did, it definitely wasn't voluntary. She cringed looking back at the recent times she had.

"Well, that's good then, huh? Besides, when do these dating show romances even work out? He'll be over her by next week and you'll be back to where you are now."

Amaya truly was the definition of tough love, but maybe it was the push Beckett needed to do what was already brewing in the far backside of her brain.

"I know, I know." The brunette muttered, beginning to chew on the nail of her thumb. A new bad habit to worry about. Her eyes flicked around the room as she tried to formulate her words. Her plan.

Amaya picked up on this, and shifted on her bed, "What is it?"

The girl's eyes landed on her friend's desk, where everything was strangely sock monkey themed. A mug to hold her pens, a notebook, stickers, a keychain dangling from her desk lamp.

She imagined how nice it would be to just stuff herself into a giant sock monkey and sleep away her aggravating problems.


She, unfortunately, pushed away that fantasy and said something idiotic, "Well, it doesn't mean I can just sit back and let him be stolen on national television."

"God, you really are going insane." Amaya murmured under her breath, pulling herself onto her stomach so her feet danced in the air behind her.

Beck rolled her eyes, "Well I'm about to get even crazier."

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