Chapter 6: Spiritual Jade Space(3)

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You can't really blame Bai Yue for her excitement, she is the type of person who can forget her sleep and hunger while reading a book, so such a huge library is like a fairyland to her. Only those who are like her can understand her feelings.

The fourth room is also a closet but it has a few shoe bags and other products for health and skin care used in ancient times. This closet is also very large.

The fifth room seems to be a study. On the table in the study, she found a book. As soon as she touched the book to pick it up, the book turned into light and went between Bai Yue's eyebrows.
Bai Yue suddenly felt that her control over the space had improved.

Then Bai Yue thought of the information in the book.

It turns out that, the name of the space is 'LingXing TianDi Shoulian' or in simple words 'Spiritual Heaven and Earth Bracelet'. This is a space made by the ancestors of the Bai family. Bai's family used to be a cultivation family before, and it also had many businesses.

The ancestors made this space to store the wealth and treasures of the Bai Family.

Only daughters of the family can open the space completely and if there is any man of the Bai family opening the space they will only find infinite space with static time but can't enter.

It was so because, at that time in the Bai Family, only females could become head of the family, because in the Bai family, due to some reasons, natural innate talent for the cultivation of girls was much better than that of boys. As for what reasons, it was not mentioned in the book.

If any girl who is not of the family opens the space, they will only get 1000 m sq. of space with static time and if a boy who is not of the family opens the space they will also only get 1000 m sq. of space with static time. In this case, the space will be transferrable as long as the space holder dies.

According to the book, Bai Yue can enter the space with body or soul, she can also bring others into the space. She can also bring living things like animals into space.

She then went to the sixth room, which is an alchemy room. There are many shelves in the room which are filled with many porcelain bottles. There were a few words written on each shelf. On a small tea table, there was another book. With the previous experience, Bai Yue touched the book and the book again turned into a light and went in between her eyebrows.

Bai Yue suddenly had complex emotions, she didn't know, if she should be happy or sad, if this keep going on, and any book she touched becomes light and she will automatically understand everything, how will she enjoy the feeling of reading, the feeling turning the page and the excitement for the unknown that she will be learning?

But what if she comes across something that she didn't understand, then wouldn't this be like a cheat, she could easily understand what is written in the book. Sigh....

Anyways, she will go to the library sometime and see if every book is like this. Let's get back to the information the book have.

The book gives a basic introduction to the alchemy room. The words on the shelves were the names of the pills.

And there is also a secret mechanism in the room, which piqued Bai Yue's curiosity. She went to the second shelf and indeed, there was a very small button under the last porcelain bottle in the second row.

She pressed the button and a small compartment opened under the tea table and there was a cauldron in there. From the Alchemy book, she knew that this was a great treasure that was acquired by the ancestors who made this space with great difficulties.

But this cauldron can only be used after she has started her cultivation, so further exploration of this room can wait until she has started cultivating.

She then went to the seventh room. This room was an infinite large warehouse filled with a complete range of extinct, rare and common medicinal plants and seeds, now this is quite a pleasant surprise for her.

After all, what is stored here is a type of perishable item, but these plants are so fresh that they look like they have just been taken out of the soil, with a little soil still present at their roots. This shows that the time here is static and can keep things the way they were when they were put in space, even after thousands of years.

After that, she went to the eighth room, this room was filled with many precious jewelries, jade stones, gold, silver and many precious gems. This must be the wealth the ancestors of the Bai family accumulated from their business, but according to Bai Yue, this room was the most useless for her.

If she was poor, then she would have been very happy to get so many pieces of jewellery and precious gems out of nowhere, but she is not. She can be said to be one of the richest, if being modest, and the richest person on earth if asked for a fact. So these things are very tasteless for her.

She would have liked it more if this room was filled with food, the same way the previous room was filled with medicinal plants.

But she didn't think much of it. She continued exploring the next room which was the ninth room.

She was ecstatic after entering this room. Bai Yue herself was a doctor and knew quite a lot about Chinese medicine, so she could tell that this room was surprisingly filled with medicinal pills for all kinds of common and rare diseases.

She went around the room once and found that there were even medicines for some of the diseases that are hard to treat, even with the current technology. Such as cancer and AIDS.

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