Chapter 8: The List(1)

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The girl in the mirror has snow-like white, her cheeks have a rosy colour on them. She has a swan-like neck, lips naturally red and full of moisture. Her waist-length black shiny hair falls casually on her shoulder.

And when she smiled, there were cute dimples on her cheeks. She has a pair of apricot-shaped eyes that look like mist, which gives a charming feeling, but her crystal-clear eyes look innocent.

They have sly and cold emotions contained in them. These temperaments blended perfectly with her and gave her a whole new level of beauty.

She has an enchanting figure. She seems to be about 1.75 m tall.

After looking at herself for a few minutes, she tried to put things in the room in the space with a thought, but she was unable to do so, but when touched the object, she was able to put it in the space, and she was able to differentiate it and put it in different places with a thought.

Thinking that it would be hard work to put the things in the space in the future, she went to rest as she hadn't had a good sleep for a while now and needed some rest, although the bath had swept away her tiredness, she still wants to have a peaceful sleep as after the end it will only be a daydream to have a peaceful sleep.

She doesn't have the energy to go around the space to find different things as it is very large, so she will try and see if she can teleport and go around space tomorrow, as walking around the space to get to a particular place is very time-consuming and impractical.

Before that, she sent a message for her friends to come to her house as soon as they could.

After that, she went to sleep.


After a few days, most of her friends came to her house.

During this time, Bai Yue has been brainstorming and trying to remember every single detail she could remember about the doomsday and different things that happened and at what time which major event happened and has been noting it down on her laptop in a document she made specially for the doomsday events.

She has also been writing down the supplies needed and has been making a list of the things.

She divided her supplies into broad categories of food, clothes, transportation, housing, medicines, weapons and miscellaneous.

She further divided these into subcategories and sub-sub-categories wherever required.

For this list, she especially went to the internet and searched all the different types of things in those categories and listed the ones she thought were important or needed. Those things which are not necessarily needed, such as cosmetics can be purchased later.

She divided food into the categories of grains, fruits, vegetables, snack foods, dairy, beverages, meats, frozen goods, canned goods, cooked food, oils, sauces and seasonings and desserts.

In grains, she added, wheat, rice, fragrant rice such as basmati rice, flour, black flour, potato flour, corn flour, etc.

For fruits, she wrote all the kinds of fruits she could find, whether she liked it or not.

Such as Lychees, apricots, mango, mango Steen, apple, avocado, banana, blackberry, blueberry, cherry, coconut, cranberry, dates, dragon fruit, durian, fig, Wolfberry, gooseberry, grape, grapefruit, resins, almonds, cashews, other dried fruits, guava, jujube, kiwi, etc.

In vegetables, she wrote almost all the vegetables she could find on the list.

Like Bell pepper, corn kernel, chillies, cucumber, eggplant, jalapeno, olive, pea, pumpkin, tomato, zucchini, asparagus, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, celery, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, spinach, mustard, bean sprouts, black beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, mung beans, peanuts, etc.

In snacks, she puts all the snacks, be it her favourite snacks or common snacks available.

Pizzas, burgers, French fries, pretzels, waffles, hot dogs, tacos, popcorn, lollipops, candied fruits, cupcakes, doughnuts, bubble gums, candies, chocolate, chocolate bars, chocolate truffles, fudge, glass jelly, marshmallows, marzipan, etc.

In dairy, she wrote, milk, condensed milk, milk powder, cream, whipped cream, sour cream, butter, yoghurt, cheese, cream cheese, parmesan cheese, etc..

In beverages, the first thing she added was water, which is the most important thing required, although her space had a spiritual spring and normal drinkable water, she could not take out the water in the space and just give it to people, she must buy packaged water for the convenience of using it outside.

Then she added other beverages like bubble tea, milk tea, tea, coffee, energy drinks, flavoured milk, juices of different fruits, milkshakes, smoothies, carbonated drinks, alcohol, sports drinks, etc.

Next, she listed the different types of meats, beef, steaks, meatballs, pork, chicken, duck, eggs, sausages and seafood. In seafood, she further added, clams, crab, etc.

Further, in frozen food, she wrote about frozen meat, frozen pizzas and chips, frozen vegetables such as peas, frozen fruits, ice cream, frozen custard, etc.

Then she moved to oils, sauces and seasonings, anise, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, vinegar, dried chilli, basil, cardamom, chives, cilantro, cinnamon, clove, coriander, cumin, curry leaves, lemon grass, honey, mint, parsley, oregano, etc.

She then wrote the list for canned food, canned fish, canned tomatoes, canned beans, canned meat, etc.

Porridge, KFC fried chicken, grilled skewers, mutton skewers, beef skewers, tenderloin, chicken chops, lamb chops, steamed buns, xiaolongbao, whole grain buns, boiled eggs, poached eggs, fried rice, etc.

Other names could be added later.

For desserts, she decided to buy any dessert she come across. There are too many name in her mind that it will become quite a long list. She is starting to feel dizzy with trying to remember all the things. She needs to go to another category.

Since Bai Yue lived abroad for her college, many food items on her list were Western.

So Bai Yue went to the clothes part and divided clothes in Summer and winter, durable clothing such as military clothes and disposable clothes.

For winters, she listed thick cotton quilts, jackets, down jackets, cashmere sweaters, cashmere boots, trousers and other cold-proof clothes and shoes.

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