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Tears come from the heart and not the brain.

~Lord Byron


"You have been a good daughter and now you are supposed to be a good daughter-in-law too."

"Respect your in-laws and do not speak until and unless your husband permits you to."

"Be a good daughter-in-law and a good mother. If anyone shouts at you, don't yell back. I won't hear any of your stupid complaints. Don't you dare tarnish our reputation."


Aadhya woke up from her terrible dream that she had been getting since the day she left that hell hole.

She calmed her rapidly beating heart and then reached for the bottle of water that was resting on the small table beside her bed.

She emptied the whole bottle and, with a small smile on her lips, looked beside her to adore the most important human being in her life.

Her son.

The only good thing that had ever happened to her in her whole life was her precious son. And, she'd rather die than give her precious baby to a monster.

Her pregnancy gave her a new hope. Hope of living a new life the way she wanted. Hope of finally being able to live happily again.

She was certain that she didn't want her child to get trapped in that shit. So, she decided that she would divorce her good-for-nothing husband when she found out about her pregnancy. She hid that from everyone and filed for a divorce petition. As she was the wife of The Arhaan Ahuja, nobody questioned her and did whatever she ordered them to, and the petition was formulated in a very short notice.

She was 1 month pregnant when she signed the divorce papers and then left the city that held her worst nightmares.

She went through her pregnancy all alone because she was infinity percent sure that her so-called parents wouldn't want to see her after what she did.
They wouldn't understand her, they never did. All they cared about was their money, fame and reputation.

Even after being born and brought up in that environment, she managed to be sweet and a kind woman, unlike Arhaan.

She looked at her son for a good 10 minutes and then sighed. If it wasn't for her son—Aayansh— she would have committed suicide.

It was already 7:00a.m when she decided to take a bath. After she made sure that Aayansh wouldn't fall off the bed while sleeping, she went inside her bathroom.

She stripped out of her pyjamas and let the hot water drown all her fears, insecurities and worries.

After spending a good 5 minutes under the shower, she wrapped a white towel around her petite frame and walked out.

As expected, her baby was wide awake, sitting in the middle of the bed and frantically looking around for his mumma.

When Aayansh saw his mother, he grinned at her and Aadhya gave a small smile in return.
"Good morning, mumma."

"Good morning, sweetie."

Oh! How much Aayansh reminds her of Arhaan.

Her son was a sweet baby with hazel orbs and silky, smooth black hair. He looked like an angel. Aadhya's sweet angel.

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