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"Students, may I have your attention, please?" Mrs. Gayatri said.

When everybody stopped whispering to each other and gave her complete attention, she continued,"He is our chief guest of the Annual Function.  Mr. Arhaan Ahuja."

Cheers and claps erupted from the children, making Arhaan give a ghost of a smile to the pupils.

"Sir, may I have an autograph, please?" A female pupil asked.

"Why do you need an autograph? Sit down. He is not a celebrity." Aadhya snapped while Gayatri and Arhaan looked at her with amusement.

"Ms. Aadhya, do you live under a rock? He is a celebrity." Gayatri tried to hide the amusement in her voice but failed miserably.

Aadhya sighed,"Sorry. Please continue. I am having a bad day."

"So, sir? Autograph?"

"Sure. Why not?" Arhaan looked at her and smirked which was, fortunately, not noticed by anybody except Aadhya.

The young lady came forward with a pen and paper and forwarded it to a smug looking Arhaan. His smugness made Aadhya clench her fists and she controlled the urge to bang his head against the white board that was stuck behind her.

Before she could say anything to that female pupil, the principal had cleared her throat and made her way out of the class because she had a lot of things to do rather than witness the upcoming argument between two children in the bodies of an adult.

"Are you done now, Ms. Das? Go back to your seat."

"Yes, ma'am." That student gave a seductive smile to Arhaan and made her way towards her seat, mumbling colourful curses at her teacher while she walked back to her seat at the back of the class.

"We will start our debate now. Which side is fighting for Xbox?"

The students who were fighting for Xbox raised their hands.
"I don't want a single noise. If you want to represent your team, just raise your hand. Also, you are not allowed to speak between someone's speech. Am I clear?"

"Crystal." The students mumbled, loud enough for Aadhya to be satisfied.

"Wait." Arhaan interrupted, making Aadhya grumble in irritation.

"What?" She snapped.

"The topic you gave to the pupils is completely stupid. Xbox can never be better than PlayStation."

"Sir, I beg to differ. Xbox is better than PlayStation in every way." A student from the back of the class said.

"Hmm? Why do you think that?"


"Enough." Aadhya's voice boomed in the whole classroom, silencing every noise.
"Mr. Ahuja, I request you to get out of my class. You are disturbing us."

Arhaan smirked and made an eye-contact with his wife while saying,"The class is dismissed."

"What? No. I dare you to stand up from your seats, kids."

"Show how much guts you possess, children."

"Mr. Arhaan Ahuja, I request you to get the hell out of here."

Arhaan ignored his wife and said to the students who were witnessing their petty fight,"I order you to get out of the class, otherwise you will have to face my wrath."

"Do not threaten my students, Mr. Arhaan."

"What if I don't listen to you? What will you do, huh?"

She continued to gaze at his charcoal black eyes for a few minutes and, then, said without removing her eyes from him,"The class is dismissed. Make some points and be prepared. We will do our debate tomorrow."

At her command, the whole class got up from their seats and made their way out of the classroom.

Some of the students were happy because the class was dismissed early, some were genuinely sad because they loved English lesson and some of them were faking their sadness because they wanted their friends to praise them for loving English.

"You didn't answer my question, love."

"Don't call me 'love'." She barked at him.

"Why not, love?" His emphasizing on 'love' made her furious.

"You don't even like me. Why will you call me that?"

"That, love, is for me to know and for you to find out."

She grumbled in frustration and stomped her foot, making him raise his brows in amusement.
"You are annoying as fuck."

"Cursing doesn't suit you, love. You shouldn't speak them."

"Why the fuck not?"

"If you curse one more time, I will—"

"You will what? Physically abuse me? Kill me? Make me face your wrath?"

"Neither of them. I will fuck you so hard that you will only be able to scream my name and 'fuck'. Go ahead and curse if you want me to fuck you."

These words revolved around her head at Arhaan's words: "The next time you talk to me like this, I will fuck you so hard and fast that you won't be able to walk for the next 7 days."

"The only thing you can ever threaten me with would be fucking me, right? That's what you said when I tried to argue back to you regarding who misplaced your stupid file. I couldn't say the truth at that time but now, when I have gotten the chance to, I will. Listen, you asshole, one of your maids had replaced your brown coloured file. I was not even inside the house when that happened. You didn't have any fucking right to yell at me. Do you know how much I had cried that night? How could you have known? You would have probably been fucking one of your whores."

Guilt flashed in his eyes, before he managed to pull his emotionless mask.
"One thing that you should know about me is that I can be anything but a cheater. I never cheated on you, Aadhya. Not even when we had divorced because all I could think about was you. Whenever I tried to have sex with another women, your beautiful face flashed in front of my eyes making it difficult for me to do anything. It always frustrated me, but it also made me feel something I had never felt."

"How do you expect me to believe you? Do you remember what you said to me one night? You said: 'Okay then. I would have to find someone else to give me a good fuck because apparently my wife is too tired. And anyways, my cock was kinda bored of taking your pussy every damn time.'  That's what you fucking told your wife."

"You remember the exact words I said? Wow! I am flattered."

"How can I forget something that pained me every time I remembered?"


"I am not in a mood to listen to your bullshit right now, Arhaan. Please, just go. And, try not to show me your face after the Annual Function."

Arhaan nodded without showing any emotions and went out of the door, away from her.

He had hurt her big time, and it was going to take forever to make her forgive him. Which meant that she was not going to come and live with him.

Now that she had refused his offer, he had only one option left.

He didn't want to do that, but he had to because he'd be damned if he let her and his son stay away from him even for a second now.

"Get your ass to my house right now."

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