Extended Epilogue

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4 years later:-

"Hey! I heard the Princess of Jodhpur is coming here for an event." Rishi- Aayansh's best friend- wrapped an arm around Aayansh's shoulder and brought up the latest gossip while they were roaming the halls of their school.

"Is she beautiful?" He asked with pure curiosity shining in his beautiful eyes.

"Beautiful? She's fucking gorgeous. Heard she started getting proposals even before she turned 12."

"Wow! Nice. So, what do I do with this useless information?"

"Oh God! What do I do with you? Dumbass. She's going to attend the same ball as your father. So, maybe you can go and impress the Princess with your charms? It will be so cool to marry the infamous Princess, no?"

"Shut up. We are too young to even think about marriage."

"So? Atleast you can make her your girlfriend."

"No, Rishi. Marrying a Princess is not my thing. Besides, I am sure she has more potential suitors than me."

"Oh God! Why is your self esteem so low? I swear you are a carbon copy of your father, except you don't have his confidence."

"Shut up. You think I am handsome?"

"Think? I know you are handsome. I would have married you had I not been straight." He joked, earning a jab of Aayansh's elbow on his stomach.

Aayansh was quite handsome, with his thick eyebrows, pink lips and sharp jawline, but he refused to believe it because no girl had ever even looked in his direction let alone flirt with him.

While on the other hand, Rishi was quite popular among them and every other girl used to flirt with him.

"Then why do girls not talk to me?"

Rishi snorted,"They do. You just scare them away with that permanent scowl of yours. Try smiling more and then see how your charms work like magic."


"Bhai." A shout from behind the two boys made them frown and turn around to see a 10 year old boy running towards them with a 4 year old baby girl.

"Why are you running around? What if you fall and get hurt?" Aayansh gently told his siblings with a frown.

"Sorry, but we were in a hurry. Weren't we, choti?"

"Ey! I am not choti, you are. And, yes, he is right." This little girl was Sharanya Ahuja, also known as Choti.

Sharanya was a smart and bubbly girl, who had everybody wrapped around her fingers except her mother. Because according to her, if everybody kept dancing on her daughter's tunes, then she will turn out to be a brat.

"What happened then? Are you fine? Did you get hurt? Did you get in any sort of trouble?" Aayansh asked while crouching down in front of them and checking their bodies for any injury.

"No, we are fine. And we didn't get in any trouble. Atleast I didn't. Can't say the same about bhaiya." Sharanya said.

Just like Aayansh, she was quite smart for a 4 year old. Nobody in the family knew how Aarnav turned out to be such a trouble maker.

"Hey! I didn't do anything either."

"Yeah, whatever. Why were you running to get to me?"

"Papa said that we have to attend a gala, and for that we have to leave now." Aarnav said, which made Rishi grin who was quite impatient until now because he wanted to eat before the bell rang.

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