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You don't realise the power they have
Until they leave you
And you want them back.

~Julia Michaels


"And this is our Arts room." Aadhya said while opening a door on the left side of the huge corridor.

After their little encounter in the car, they picked Aayansh up and Aadhya gave him a tour of the whole school.

He tried to make some small talks in between, but she always replied curtly and after a while, he just gave up.

He needed to work harder if he wanted to win his wife's heart.

Before she could close the door, he grabbed her hand and pulled her inside the room.

Aadhya watched him with a bewildered countenance as he locked the door and turned towards her. She made Aayansh sit on a nearby bench and looked at him as he made his way towards her.

He was so close to her that if he would take even a small step towards her, their lips would meet and Aadhya most certainly didn't want that. So, she took a step back and he took a step forward.

That was a little dance that they played before Aadhya's back touched a nearby wall.

Arhaan put his both hands on either side of her head, trapping her between the wall and his body.

"Why are you not talking to me, dear wifey?"

Her jaw clenched and fists formed in a tight ball, ready to punch him in his face.
She said,"This is the last time I am saying this, Mr. Ahuja. I am not your wife. And what do you want to talk about, huh? About how you made me go through all that pain and how you betrayed me?"

"I—" Aadhya left the most powerful man in the whole world speechless.

"Let me go." she ordered in a cold tone.

"No. Not now, not ever. Atleast not in this lifetime. You are stuck with me, Ms. Jaiswal."

She huffed and turned her head towards a window, pretending to ignore his presence.

Arhaan felt angry at the thought of her ignoring him. He had never, in his whole life, been ignored, so this was a new feeling for him. He tried to control his rage, not wanting his son to witness his dangerous anger.

"Look at me." he ordered firmly but she didn't comply. She kept looking outside the window, looking fearless.

But only she knew how much scared she was of this beast.

"When I say something, you listen to me."

She asked,"Why?" but before he could reply, she again said, mockingly,"Oh! I know. His Highness has never been ignored by anyone in his life, right? I did not intend to offend you, your majesty but I wanted you to know how it feels when someone ignores you. Someone who was your own husband."

His grip on the wall loosened and he felt guilty. He wanted to apologize but he couldn't. Those simple, 3 words wouldn't come out of his mouth. No matter how hard he tried.

He was not able to say 'I am sorry' because he was very egoistic and his ego would deeply hurt if he apologized, especially to a woman.

So, like always, his ego won over the guilt that was suffocating him and he stepped aside, without saying anything.

Aadhya took a sigh of relief when he stepped away from her.
She hated herself more than she hated Arhaan. Why? Because he made her feel things she never experienced. And it was all quite new to her.

She got those typical, cliché butterflies in her stomach and tingles down her spine whenever he was near her. And she certainly didn't enjoy the effect he had on her.

Aadhya walked towards her son and said,"Let's go, baby." and walked out of the door with him— leaving Arhaan alone, who was engrossed in his own thoughts.

She made her way towards her car, buckled her son in his car seat and drove off towards her apartment.

Aayansh was already asleep by the time they reached their house so, Aadhya picked him up and entered inside.

She tucked Aayansh in their bed— after removing his shoes— and went for a hot shower.

After showering and eating something, she slept off immediately, keeping some food beside her bed because she knew that he would be waking up in the middle of the night, demanding for food.

True to her words, Aayansh did wake up in the middle of the night. After Aadhya fed him something, he immediately slept.

Aadhya was also about to sleep when a sudden movement in the balcony caught her eye.

Afraid, she took hold of a knife that she always put inside a drawer beside her bed for safety reasons.

She walked towards the balcony and slid open the glass door, trying not to make any noise.

Just as she was about to hurt that person with the knife, the said someone grabbed her arm and pulled her, resulting in her to fall on the small, soft mattress with someone on top of her.

She stared at the familiar face with wide eyes and prepared to scream, but just as she was about to open her mouth, he clasped his palm on her mouth.

"Shush! You will wake our son up."

"He is my son, Mr. Ahuja, and what the hell are you doing in my apartment in the middle of the night?"

"Oh! I just wanted to see you both."

"You can't just walk in here whenever you want. Next time, don't you dare step your feet inside my house."

"You can't order me around, dearest."

"This is not an order, your majesty. I am just trying to protect my son from you. He doesn't need you in his life."

"I never said that he needs me in his life. It's quite opposite actually. I need you and him in my life."

"That's never going to happen, Mr. Ahuja."

"This was not a request, Ms. Jaiswal. I would make you mine, no matter what."

"I won't wish you good luck."

He smiled and stood up from his position and held out his hand for her to hold to get up but instead, she glared at him and stood up herself.

She got inside the room, leaving Arhaan alone in the cold balcony.

He was clearly amused at her fierceness. He didn't know his wife was this feisty. And, the worst part was that he loved her fierceness just as much as he loved her kind and submissive behavior.

He had done everything in his power to ignore her before, but now he would do anything in his power to gain her attention. He was determined to bring his wife and son back to him.

He would do anything to make that possible. He would do anything to have his happily ever after with the most beautiful, smart and kind woman and the most adorable boy child ever.

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