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"When trust is broken, sorry means nothing."



"Come out both of you. You have locked yourselves inside that room for 5 hours." Arhaan said in a frustrated tone that made Aadhya smile. He sounded so annoyed. Must be bored out of his mind.

That was his behavior when nobody gave him any attention. As he was the sole heir and his parents' only son, he was used to all the attention. Sure, his sister would sometimes ignore him but then she would come around to his room, knock the door and throw her arms around her brother's neck who would pick her up, twirl her around and laugh heartily.

"Go away, bhai. Don't disturb us. Harry Potter is just about to beat the Slytherin by winning the Quidditch match."

"What! Slytherin? Quidditch? What's that?"

"Oh God! And that is why I told you to watch Harry Potter. You won't understand. Now, go away."

"Listen, if you won't come out of this damn room in 5 minutes, I am going to barge inside and drag you two out."

Pallavi sighed, paused the movie and turned to Aadhya who had an exasperated expression on her visage.

"You go out and distract bhai. I will come out after completing this movie." Pallavi whispered.

"Huh? No way in hell am I going out towards that predator." Aadhya shook her head stubbornly.

After vigorously shaking her head for quite sometime, she sighed when Pallavi made up her best puppy face.

"Fine." She breathed out, unbolted the door and took a step only to stumble back because of a hard chest blocking her way.

Before she could kiss the floor, Arhaan wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him.
Her soft breasts touching his hard chest was more than enough to turn him on. However, Aadhya was flushed, embarrassed and furious.

She pushed him away as soon as she got into her senses. Thankfully, Pallavi had been so engrossed in the movie that she hadn't noticed the romantic scene behind her. If she had seen it then she would have teased them till death would have separated them.

Aadhya grabbed Arhaan's arm, pulled him outside and bolted the door shut.

She glared at him and spoke while pointing a finger at his chest,"What the fuck is your problem? Because of you I had to leave my movie."

"My problem is you. You drive me to the brink of insanity without even realising."

"I don't need to drive you there. You are already very much insane."

He rolled his eyes and said in a very serious tone that made Aadhya's spine stiff,"Okay now, jokes apart. Listen, now that we are finally alone, let's bring up the topic you so desperately are trying to avoid."

"There isn't anything to talk about, Arhaan. You and your crazy family hurted me and so, I gave you a divorce and left you and hoped to never see you again but I guess, the God wasn't on my side."

"I know we hurted you but let me atleast explain. I-I just don't know. I didn't want to marry anyone and you just agreed to do that. I got angry and promised to make your life a living hell without realising the consequences of my actions."

"That still doesn't explain your brutal behavior. Not everything goes according to what you think. You thought that I was willing to marry a beast? Well, news flash, Mr. Ahuja. I didn't have an option. Either I agree to marry you or I agree to marry you. That was just an order from my uncle. And if I don't obey, then there would have been some severe consequences. How naïve of me to actually think that my husband would be nice and he would make my life jolly and chirpy. Huh! Nobody stays by your side when you so desperately want them to be. That's life. I just happened to learn it way earlier than other kids."

"I-I am sorry. I didn't know that."

"And you didn't even try to know. Even if you didn't know that, you didn't have any reason to mentally abuse me because there is really no reason to abuse someone."

"I know. And I am guilty."

"What am I gonna do with your sorry, huh? What's done is done. And believe me, it would be very hard for me to forget and forgive. Nearly impossible. My life was already a hell, Arhaan. I didn't need you to make it all the more barbarous."

"Listen, I know my behavior was not excusable but I am here now, ain't I? And I swear I won't disappoint you. I will take care of you and our son."

"What do I do with this reassurance now, huh? Where were you when I was pregnant? Where were you when I was going through all that morning sickness and cravings? Where were you when I was giving birth to Aayansh? Do you even know how much painful that was? No, you don't. Because, in the end, it's the women who have to give birth. There was no-one by my side when I spent hours over-thinking about being a good parent to my child or not. There was nobody by my side when Aayansh cried and troubled me in the middle of the night. And there was no-one, except Pallavi, who was with me when Aayansh took his first steps or when he started speaking. And do you know what word he spoke first? He spoke 'da-da'. I don't know who taught him that, but he did speak your name first." Aadhya bursted out crying remembering those bitter-sweet days and nights.

And Arhaan was just frozen on his spot. He was sad, guilty and happy too because their son took his name first.

There was silence for a few minutes, which was spent in crying for Aadhya and Arhaan being frozen. After coming out from his shocked state, he said,"I-I am sorry. But all this was Pallavi's fault. She didn't tell me your location. And I swear to God, I searched for you everywhere. Every nook and cranny of the world. But it was like a girl named Aadhya never existed."

"Stop blaming Pallavi for this. I had forbidden her from telling anyone my address. Especially you. And you do know that all of this has happened because of you, right? I was with you for 2 years. That should have been enough for you to find out about my real reason to marry you. I have scars on my stomach, lower back and thighs. Did you notice that while fucking me? No, you didn't. The 2 years I spent in that hell hole was all about you. Your rage, your bitterness, your happiness, your sadness. All about you. Did anybody think about how I felt while living there? Nobody tried to console me when I felt like an outcast there. And did you know how horribly your mot- leave it. You probably don't even care."


"Mumma!" Aayansh called out from the entrance of the room.

Without sparing him a single glance, she walked towards her son and bent towards his level before whispering something in his ear and disappearing behind the door of her room.

His face dropped as he picked up his files, wallet, phone and car keys and drove from there towards a destination he wasn't aware of.

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