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A few short words at first... "Sir...you... certain?"The new man asked.

"It... the... way." The older man replied, and it quickly became apparent he was in charge no matter how their words were being exchanged.

"But... ...dangerous game... ...!" The young man said before storming off. The older one tried to follow him, but he stopped at the door. He whispered something and even though I could not understand it, I knew it to be sad.

"Did you ... any ... that?" He asked as he made his way towards me, "You did... you?" "Yes..."

That reply impressed no one else more than it did me.

The way I bounced in surprise almost threw me out of that bed.

"Easy there." He held me gently, "It will only get easier for you by the moment."

"Easier?" I had to inquire, "What?"

"Everyt... will." His eyes immediately adopted a more serious look, and the rest of his face followed, "But first... must... you... of here."

I then heard a big sound outside, we both did, one that made us shiver. It frightened me deeply and as much as I wished it to be just the one scare, it was not to be.

"It has begun." He confessed rather calmly as if he was already expecting it. Many more terrible sounds soon followed, screams and other noises of terror just outside that room, and as my eyes began rummaging in a most panicky manner, he placed his hands on my cheeks and stared right at me: "It's alright." He reassured me "This is intended, you understand? It is according to the plan." He was staring at me with deep concern, but there was no lie in his words.

"What is happening?" I reluctantly asked, "What is this place?" I felt like I was finally able to understand myself for the most part, or at least most of my spoken words were now sounding just like my thoughts before I voiced them. "Please?" I insisted ...

"We don't have much time for this," Those hoarse words pushed through between nervous breaths, and it seemed I could now understand them without too much impediment "but you have just been awakened ... or born, if you will."

"I don't understand," I begged for more as he turned his back to me to begin those rushed preparations, and when I was about to insist, he spoke to me some more.

"You were born into this world – born, the word born, you already know the meaning?"

"Yes ..."

"Yes, of course, you do." He responded with a smile before continuing, "Either way, you were born into it or perhaps brought here from another; not even I know for sure which one applies more correctly. Not even after so many... Anyway, I know you are to be charged with bearing most of this world's responsibility."

"Charged?" I asked.

Buried PlanetOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant