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Years of constant studies and research as well as the odd find, allows them for bigger and better aircraft, more powerful machinery and therefore, the means of digging deeper into the earth or reaching deeper into the ocean, wherever their king might point them. Hervies and a few more, still believe there is much out there that the Centra left behind, buried, or submerged in depths they cannot yet reach, waiting forever for the ones worthy enough to do so. That single Centra find that can at any time flip the coin in Human favour, but then, they have the whole world to explore if they do muster the means and will to do so.

No other race can compete with them but one, and those have long isolated themselves in their archipelago, in the one and only Nharkim city where all of them are believed to reside. A most impressive sight to be sure and one that can be seen for many miles, it is both enormous and luminous, the single greatest achievement of this Era. Quite easily it causes jealousy and fear in all of those that manage to get close enough for a good glimpse at it.

Yes, the Nharkim are indeed great, far and beyond anyone else and the ones that more quickly gained the favour of the Centra findings. Their science and technology are boundless and with no apparent limits as to where they can eventually take them. They are a very reclusive race, very seldom seen, if ever, for they have all sorts of machines working for them and anything that they must execute outside their walls, their technology does for them.

All of their power is concentrated at one major point, one nation in one city. From afar the aptly named "Machine City" by those that could never dream of entering it, resembles but a colossal pyramid-shaped construction, seemingly floating in the air like the fabled cities of old. In reality, once one manages to get just close enough, one can see there are four pillars at its base supporting it all.

One from every corner of its base and as they extend diagonally, as they too obey the grand design of the pyramided achievement, they connect the immense city to four of the several isles beneath it. No outsiders may enter it for none ever have, regardless of what they may bring and as such, it is meant to only be admired from afar.

Every single isle of that archipelago has an enormous beacon of light pointed at it no matter the time of day, as if the Nharkim have wanted all along for all others to bask in their great accomplishment. They are the apex civilisation in this world, and it is no wonder that Hervies and others are at the very least jealous of them, if not fearful. As great as their technology is, the mystery surrounding them is even greater and naturally gives birth to all sorts of speculation.

Rumours like their machinelike appearance, for example, claims that they have seemingly forsaken flesh for technological prowess; thus, some dare say here and there, replacing flesh and bone with metal and circuitry, which allowed them to transcend death. Making them even more enviable. Even more fearful. Many more stories surround the Nharkim, many rumours such as their apparent lack of age or gender fills many a tavern. Speculations born of ales and sassy tongues wriggling inside drunkard's mouths or perhaps there might be some truth to it.

Perhaps someone out there was fortunate enough to encounter one. The truth of the matter is that none knows for sure what the Nharkim are up to in that city of theirs, none outside their circle knows how their society operates or even what form of hierarchy is established or if any at all. Not a single name is known, not a ruler nor king nor emperor.

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